The only thing he did worse than murdering his wife.

1  2019-01-16 by ConcreteSkull


Imagine having that little faggot mad at you. It’d be so adorable watching him huff and puff and waddle away with his high pitched voice

Just don't fall asleep near him.

Isn’t that what they said about John Wayne Gacy?

haha look at that woman making a cheeky face, woman so funny

I hate Joe the Camel on the left

This joyless guy, taking shots at Felicia Day.

Don't make me post her music video pal.

Don't make idle threats, buddy.

Got through one minute. Jesus christ just cause youre good at one thing doesnt means it spreads to everything.

You made it longer than I could. Thank you for your service.

I just peel potatoes.

That was awful. But I still think Felicia Day is alright, despite how fucking terrible that was. I will now accept any and all downvotes.

Refused to watch this faggy reboot. New host looked too much like a typical reddit user.

I gave it a shot and wasn't a fan. The show just feels off in a lot of ways. I always liked MST3K but mostly I just put up with all of the spaceship stuff to get to them making fun of bad movies. I'd rather just keep watching Rifftrax or go see The Mads than this.

The Mads?

Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu also have their own Rifftrax-esque comedy show where they tour around the country and riff on bad movies. I saw them last year and they were really fucking funny. They are a lot more vulgar than the other guys and I'd argue they were funnier. Their style was a lot more casual, a hang if you will, than the Rifftrax guys who script everything.

"a hang if you will," say more queer things

Yeah the dorky sci-fi stuff can be cringey at times, but the jokes made during the movie were pretty funny and mean spirited. Can't imagine the new series is any good when the host tweets faggoty nonsense like this:

Jonah and Felicia are two people who you can just look at someone and know exactly what their thought process is on anything. They're walking stereotypes.

Why is every reboot so pozzed? I can’t think of one reboot where they don’t try some ultra lefty bullshit

When complete faggots attempt to do entertainment, the only thing that excites them is dressing up like their heros, cosplaying the in the fake worlds they love, and ruining the reputation of something due to their lack of ability.

Woke millenial scum resurrecting 80s and 90s franchises so they can use nostalgia to dish up their politics. Disgusting.

Just to be fair, there really aren't any politics in the MST3K reboot. The people behind it are obnoxious but at least they keep their bullshit separate from the show. The reboot is bad simply because it's awkward and flat out isn't very funny.

They shoehorn so many “jokes” in. Mike was the best and Rifftrax is great.

And Mike kept his politics to himself despite being hardcore conservative offscreen.

Some of the episodes were ok. Like the jokes they made as the movie played definitely made me laugh sometimes.

But Patton Oswald was just in a bunch of weird skits before/after the movie. They were really really bad. I felt like I was watching a bad improv group or a high school drama class.

I watched it. It’s nowhere near as good as the original, but it’s worth a watch, I guess. There are so many ways to scratch that MST3k itch without watching a bunch of millennials who grew up on the show and therefore don’t know how to look at it objectively, why bother.

No Mike writing, no watching from me. If you want new MST3K, then go watch a couple of Rifftrax.

Bitch has a face like Anth's giant raptor toy

I’d fuck her

Do you think he’ll smoother Natty Gann in her sleep so he can marry this one next?

He can't keep getting away with it!

The reboot was void of any of the charm and mean spirited humor of the original


Dude looks more depressed than me holy shit

So depressing. I was hoping they'd realize it would be too ridiculously cringy to try and do the whole sub plot framing and just riff over movies.

The reboot falls flat because the jokes are literally call backs to pop culture references. It's hard to top the Mike Nelson era when the show was particularly brutal and downright mean to the movies they were riffing on.

I never could get past Joel leaving.

I can't bring myself to watch this reboot, Patton or not. In the words of the Opester, they should have left it alone.

I think the murdering is worse.


Tried watching this. Nothing like the original.

Don't make idle threats, buddy.

Jonah and Felicia are two people who you can just look at someone and know exactly what their thought process is on anything. They're walking stereotypes.

Why is every reboot so pozzed? I can’t think of one reboot where they don’t try some ultra lefty bullshit

You made it longer than I could. Thank you for your service.