Unfunny iguana-looking cunt

1  2019-01-16 by JMueller2012


This set was leaked 2 weeks ago. It took her that long to think of this hilarious take!


It really makes her complete anonymity on SNL an even more intriguing mystery...

Louis has been in more snl sketches than her

Wow millennial women really don’t have a sense of humor.

Hilarious. Her appearance not what she said. She looks like someone balanced shit on her head.

Nobody on SNL is funny. Fact.

Since I'm not going to watch her set, can someone tell me how many laughs she got compared to Louis? Golf claps for saying something "woke" doesn't count.

Micheal Che is funny.

The rest are a wet dish rag of entertainment

Did the SNL jews finally force Che to stop appearing on Legion of Skanks? You could def tell Che had that "oh shit, im gonna lose my career over this appearance" look everytime he was on there, he kept going like "yep, this is gonna be the one that brings me down" anytime luis would make a racist joke or make fun of retards or start a "WHITE POWER!" chant.

This chick was so unfunny on SNL she got overshadowed as the "token black/woman" by Leslie fucking Jones


That famous clip where Louie jokingly tells Patrice what the origin for the word 'Nigger' was had no punchline. It was blantantly racist. That was the joke.

Fuck these unfunny "woke" cunts (both men and women) trying to tell me what is and isn't funny. Or better yet, trying to tell me I'm a racist or bigot for enjoying certain jokes or humor.

Louie’s set was actually funny,

Her joke “it was like asking for chicken and being served pidgeon, then when you complain the manager takes his dick out and calls you the n-word”, that the article was praising was extremely pointless, generic, and unfunny. These people are just severely deluded

"...at La's dynasty typewriter." Wow that seems like a great place to watch stand up, yeech

I k ew AV Club is one of the gayest lefty sites out there but holy fuck.

There’s only one way these two can square off to see who’s funnier, hot dog eating contest!

Theres nothing worse in comedy now than the "woke black feminist comic with political hair". theres nothing more unnatural than an SJW black comic, dis bish mustve been raised by whites or was the only black family in an all white neighborhood or some shit.

I love these nobody comics that jump on any kind of fast-track to success like this. A bandwagon trashing anyone, they're the first ones on it because it gets them press. Nevermind having any sort of artistic or personal integrity and going "I'll just keep my mouth shut, it's another comic that's under the bus, someday that could be me." Not even a shred of forward thinking or self awareness.

They'll do anything to not work a real job.

Cover comedy

This is real

she compared it to ordering chicken from a restaurant.. of course she did.