So when Anthony dies can we start hating Opie again?

1  2019-01-15 by RBuddCumia


It will happen in time, just be patient.

We bag on the low hanging fruit here, and once we eat up all that then we can chop down the tree.

There is a method to our madness, Opie does not give us the time of day so he is harder to crack.

nortin and Spam are going to get it 10 fold brothaman

It's not a bit.

There will always be time to Opie hating. I would say let’s keep our eyes on the prize with Nana for the time being.

Not a bit

Plus his new podcast isn’t awful.

It all comes back to Jim. Nana could have a heart attack and I wouldn't care or be surprised. Jim Norton is the person I want to experience confusion, pain, and torment for being such a backstabbing fake cunt. He is the Bernie Madoff of comedy.

sigh yesssssss I guess so.