Anthony begging not to be banned on Twitter while he was cosplaying as Corrado.

1  2019-01-15 by SpudPeelinJoe


Actually, Mr. Freedom...a private company can decide who and who doesn’t use their platform.

Just like how nana used to talk big about the power he felt in blocking people. So to can his right to block people who are over the age of 12 be taken away.

I wonder how arguing for more government regulation would go over with his libertarian fans...

“We refuse the right to refuse service to anyone.”

Posted in any retail establishment.

“Including faggots niggers and jews”

Oh wait

remember when he banned that girl from compound because she made fun of him biting his girlfriend on the bill schultz morning show

Ant never took constitutional law in law school I guess.

Weird how that private company accepts government funded taxpayer money though.

Imagine defending mass censorship on these massive, global social media networks.

still doesn’t qualify as “state action” to qualify for 1st amendment protection.

a single company... Can't.

Yes they can

I love how butthurt Anthony got over his second favorite addiction, and favorite place to groom children, being taken away from him, but I'd love to see massive faggot Jack Dorsey's power stripped from him.

How drunk was he and how many times did he have to proof read and correct before he sent?

With one eye closed trying to focus at 4:15am.

and he still confused It's with Its.

he probably consulted brother joe

LOL. How can this jack ass deny this being an alt account. He’s said this exact same thing when he was on Rogan. What the fuck man.

No no no no... I didn’t say that on Rogan! Who said that!? Jimmy?

Everyone should pretend to think it's the guy who played Carrodo and spam him with honest questions about The Sopranos

He was banned after being outed as an Anthony alt.

even better

They did a big reunion for the Sopranos a few days ago, I can't believe the guy who played Corrano is still alive!

I don't understand people thinking that because everyone decides to use twitter that it somehow becomes something beyond a website built by a private company. It IS just a message board. because world leaders decide to use it mean nothing. government regulation is bad and freedom is good until a private company decides I am not allowed to use their service. then the government should intervene and stop them.


How long does it take for a ban-evading alt to get deleted? Asking for my friend (who claims to be a sci-fi author). A few days ago twitter confirmed he was breaking the rules. But the account is still up.

Send me a link to his alt and I will report that obese self important horses ass as eell

I'm not going to pretend that Twitter is unbiased; far from it. But it's extremely easy to not get banned from twitter. Millions of people don't get banned from Twitter every day!

It's easy: stop being an acerbic racist who purposefully tries to piss people off. It's not fucking hard.

Seriously, it's probably the easiest thing in the world. Not getting banned from Twitter. Literally anyone can do it. No effort required

This is eerily similar to liberals who want to break up large companies, except that these large companies actually have tangible effects on people

You really do have to wonder if he remembers doing this shit or not. Booze and Xanax abusers of this sub, how common are blackouts in which you take to social media as an alt account and make a bigger ass out of yourself?

You literally have zero memory when you blackout from Xanax and booze. I could be ichise and not know it. That’s why I don’t do it anymore. Imagine being that faggot?

Xanax and alcohol by themselves can lead to blackouts when abused, and when they're mixed, blackouts are essentially guaranteed unless the user has a serious tolerance. Even a couple of beers when mixed with xanax can lead to a blackout. The thing about benzos that makes them such dangerous drugs is that you dont feel "that fucked up" off them until you've eaten five of them and then blacked out.

Nice indignation, stupid.

Why does he think he should share a platform with world leaders. And it's just a bunch of opinions you retard. He really has taken a stance against a social media site. Just use it or not.

Why does he think he should share a platform with world leaders.

He used to do "bits" on "satellite radio" many years ago.

Him not being on twitter brings me joy

*effects the world Goddamn Ant really finds Twitter to be the most important thing in existence

What a fucking retard. Its just another social media site for shit people to force everyone to hear their shit opinions and feed their narcissism. The world got messages out just fine before Twitter and was actually a better place before Boomers and their gay ass social media obsessions took over. But I am happy he feels this way because its probably killing him inside to not have a popular place to dump his FBI stats and History Channel regurgitations.

Narrator: But they can


It was the farthest from arbitrary I've ever seen. Twitter gave him multiple chances to stop being a dipshit, but ol drunkard couldn't keep his fingers away.

kind of disappoint at how social media has become "serious", being used by businesses and politicians. I grew up in a time (and still believe) that social media is for stalking girls and looking at their bikini pictures while jerking off.


Keep thinking that Nana

What a sixty year old loser. People his age are enjoying retirement and being with their loved ones.

The funniest thing about this one is how he's blubbering under the guise of another party's intellectual property.

The picture of Nana sitting in the Compound Basement at almost midnight, in nothing but a smelly Rockstar Games t-shirt and cum-stained tighty wighties, looking at his phone with those gay grandma glasses he has typing this up is real titillating. The only light in that room is the phone screen hitting his face hunched over his IPhone. Empty bottles of bud-light surround him as he chuckles to himself, remembering a funny line from a movie from the 80s. He taps send, seeing himself under the pseudonym of a character from an HBO show from 18 years ago, wondering what would have went better if he would have just stuck to cleaning ducts. Weeping, as he downs another piss water brew.

All the cool conservative spewers are on the “twitter is for libtards” bandwagon. It’s easier than admitting you say stupid racist stuff

What a fagatino.

Enchiladas tonight

“Why cant you BEHAVE.”

Gee, the old man really lost it in the end.

I liked when Junior sang "Country Roads" - the two times he sings in the show, someone is throwing stuff at someone.

Eliminated his ass back to obscurity!

This is why I can't listen to virtually any show or clip with Anthony. He's so pathetic

It's spelled 'Its', you alchy...

Of course he doesn't know it's from its. High school dropout retard.

agrees to terms of service violates terms of service violates terms of service again violates terms of service again violates terms of service again


“Including faggots niggers and jews”

Oh wait