Joe is captivated by a third grade dropout.

1  2019-01-15 by RBuddCumia


jesus what an old lady on facebook

This guy’s a piece of work. Does he think he’s a leader of some kind?

Like he’s fucking Cyrus in The Warriors.

If only he'd meet the same fate.

Hes a leading cause of child dehydration.

“What happened next.. amazing”

Joe is an old clickbait faggot. Stop using caps lock to try and give your words gravitas. Nobody cares about the recommendations of an unemployed old mooch. If you want to discuss this further I’d be happy to buy you a cup of coffee and outline just exactly why you’re a stupid cum sucker.

“I’m a natural born leader “ -Joe Cumia

Only thing he leads is the conga line to the men’s restroom at the Ranch for a good ass pounding.


Ha. Because he's a homosexual.

He's like Joe MataCumia. "I'll buy ya a Starbucks if ya let me talk about racism with ya for five minutes. I'm Anthony Cumia's brother! Anyone have somethin ta say ta me? FIVE MINUTES, that's all I'm askin!! AGOOOSH"

Is this faggot so delusional that he thinks people look to him for advice? He’s literally gone 60 years without one meaningful accomplishment to his name.

joe cumia was a writer for oxygen so this post makes sense

He's captivated because even a 3rd grade dropout is somehow more intelligent than he is

Of course he's salivating over an uneducated black man

I noticed that idiots like Rogan and now this unemployed karaoke machine like to use the phrase HUMAN BEINGS, rather than simply saying people or everyone. It's obnoxious.

Rogan, Cumia, Currie...all dumb ass bald faggots names Joe. Coincidence?

Matarese is so lame he can't even get on a list of retarded Joe's.

Joe never made it past the 2nd grade so this guy is some kind of phenom in his mind.

Who the fuck is Joe Cumia to comment on what "human beings" need to watch- as a way to somehow better themselves?

This fucking guy dresses up like Edge from U2 & plays in front of 13 people in a shitty Long Island restaurant....

A man whose primary source of income comes in the form of a monthly allowance from his little brother...a disgraced, drunken, pedophilic shock-jock.

The # of High School Diplomas between these two fucking mutants? Zero. They have more experiences smoking base with their mother than they do diplomas....

Yes. This is a man who knows what society should be using as motivation to better themselves. If anybody knows what it takes to attain success & happiness in life - it's this fucking bum.