CURRENTLY: Jims actually going after Apatow about CK...

1  2019-01-15 by UnclePaulsSoul

Apatow also said: "It's hard to be woke."



This is going to result in a cocksucking.

So, a regular Tuesday then?

Unless Jim tells him to fuck off, not enough

The two seconds I tuned in after seeing this he essentially did. Holding someone’s feet to the fire is better then telling them to fuck off

He dropped a few angry F bombs eg "I don't fuckin care about a comedian's past concerning an unrelated subject" etc.



"I don't fuckin care about a comedian's past concerning an unrelated subject" etc.

"We don't want to believe we've been so wrong about a person. I would only work with him again under the right circumstances."

I was thinking a less vicious but just as limbless animal.

Literally after news coming out about Louis selling out clubs again

Unless he beats Judd to death, not enough

Is Apatow on the show or is Jim just talking to his deformed buddy?

Sam isn't really talking. Just Jim talking to Apatow and some friend of Apatow's.

I’m guessing Apatow weasels out of every question with a response his lawyers gave him?

He just makes the same exact 2 points over and over and over again.

  1. "Wouldn't it be great if Louie said something nice about these people in pain"?
  2. "I don't mind the jokes, I just think he shouldn't be making them when he's recently HURT people".

There hasn't been any response to these from anyone because there's literally nothing to respond to. The most vapid analysis it's possible to make on the subject, and it's literally all he's got.

I guess that’s no surprise. His opinions aren’t reflective of someone who’s thought about them.

What does the first quote even mean? Does he mean on stage?? Why the fuck would anyone at a comedy club want to hear that shit?

Second quote is typical kikey revisionist history. Nevermind that the alleged misconduct happened over a decade ago, so no he didn't 'recently' hurt people, but no one got hurt in the first place.

Go back to being a living stereotype of German propaganda, faggot.

I 100% do not believe this.


This guy is a real social barometer....or a real jerk - I can't tell which

He's a social rectal thermometer.

jerk of all jerks

Jim knows by this point that he's never going to get on Crashing. The green light is there to now address Judd in a (diplomatically) strong tone.

Yeah because Louie’s making a comeback, Jim’s realizing he lost himself a guest spot on his next show.

That's it. He only "defends" him now that it's business-positive. Holy shit is he deplorable.

More like Crudd Apatow, huh gang?


Take that shit over to cum town

A lot of people shit on Cum Town for Stav's obnoxious laughter but I think the real problem with Cum Town is Nick Mullen not being funny.

his contempt for the audience is tedious.

I think you just earned yourself a seat at the cellar table, pal!

Everyone get their shirts in order, the madman is steppin thru

I hope he doesnt insult my intelect.

Nice intellect stupid

Nice shirt, stupid.

uproarious laughter

More like Dud Apatow

Judd Crap-atow

Judd Gayfaggot

C.H.U.D Apatow



Oo hoo hoo ooo hoo hoo hoo oo hoo HOO HOO


I guess Jim can say goodbye to his half a second appearance in Pineapple Express 3.

He'd be triggered by people pretending to be stoned. So this saves him a crisis.

Pineapple reminds him of his crippling banana peel addiction too

Jim surprisingly did well, but Apatow is a sniveling cunt who learned nothing from the exchange. Can’t believe this hack faggot sees himself as someone worthy of critiquing actual comics.

It came down to Apatow's feelings. He had no actual argument and even an idiot like Jim could dismantle.

I let out the loudest groan when he brought his kids into it. “What about the children” angles can be applied to every single thing anyone has said on stage.

Long story short he’s a faggy hack invested hard in woke culture and showing jealousy towards a better comedian.

That's rich, coming from the same guy who has a standup bit about his daughter's pussy.

It’s okay for him to say it since we all know he’s woke.

No shit, this is the most invested Jim has been in the show in ages.

Jim said he took Twitter off his phone. Isn't that impossible? I think it is w/ Android.

Cool. I can't wait to not listen later.

Judd apatow and Pete Holmes are enormous faggots Jesus Christ.

Leave the man Judd's ancestors murdered out of it.

I got suspended on twitter for pointing out the same thing

one of them used the word "healing"

Sounds like he's really motherfucking Judd.

If Worm defends Louis or comedy or freedom of speech in any way, it's only because he thinks it will benefit him in some way or he's testing to see if it will

Absolutely. This makes me hate Jim even more.

This is absolutely correct & I really hope no faggots around here start some cringy "JIM IS BACK!!!" thing just because he changes who he panders to. All the faggots on YouTube are already acting like the Worm is some 'tell it like it is' badass for this shit.

That's exactly what will happen. Remember Louis is sjw piece of hypocritical garbage and this sub loves to say LOUIS CK IS BACK!!!

Because he wrote and performed funny jokes after saying that being a mum qualifies somebody as president and making Horace and Pete. Jim still gargles trans cum.


Didn't listened, but I can already tell the "going after" part is way over-sold.

It’s hard to be woke? It’s the easiest thing in the world. Just placate everyone’s feelings, say the things everyone wants to hear, yeah. Sounds really tough.

You know things are so super duper difficult when all you need to is say buzzwords (Equality, Privilege, Sexism, Racism) to get the brain dead applause you’re seeking from the crowd.

I always loved how they make the easiest shit in the world seem brave. Like tolerance, which is letting everything slide and having no opinion whatsoever on anything. It just so happens that the bravest thing a person can be is a fat crybaby who wants to have no effect on the world and thinks movies are extremely important.

Well, I would hope that Louis C.K. is grateful that Jim defended him half-heartedly a year and a half after it was too late.

I'm dying to see the video for this and Jim's flailing arms

Judd Apatow:

I'm not like an idiot going 'everything should be woke'

Also Judd Apatow:

'Everything should be woke'

Jim acquiesces very easily, as expected. He says re Louie's standup "I don't know, maybe he's stuck and doesn't know how to do it". Most ironic statement of the decade.

He sees both sides.

He would ABSOLUTELY tell us if he didn't.

Fiercely loyal

Jim "Whichever way the wind blows" Norton

Doesn't really maAaAatteRrr to meeeeee

It genuinely doesn't matter. I wish it did, I'd tell you if it did

Nanaaaa just fucked a man

How much of his gayness is to be blamed on Leslie Mann? Apatow is a pretty giant hack, but in my experience a lot of this shit comes back to women and she seems pretty talentless and manipulative.

She has never played anything other than a bitchy cunt, probably not an accident

There was a shitty Bruce Willis movie no one saw called Last Man Standing that was a remake of Yojimbo. She was in it and played a dumb whore who got shot. To date, still her best work.

Later spun off into a Tim Allen sitcom

50%. He throws a baseball like a complete fag. That cant6 be blamed on her

True, is Jewish after all.

Talking about hacky. Haha, Jews. You're hilarious, you MDE faggot.

Imagine being this angry at a Jew joke but trying to play it off like it's just a lower form of humor like an absolute fag.

I'm not angry about your shit joke. Just be more funny.

That's what all offended fags say. "I'm not upset I'm just a connoisseur" fuck off bitch.

Jew. Amiright?

I would like to shoot the retard that started the word “woke” and all the follower retarded sheep that use that word.

The thing that I fucking hate about the word, “Woke” is we already had a word for that, “Enlightened”, but some illiterate wigger made this shit up thinking they invented a new concept.

You're clearly not woke

Didn't the whole "woke" thing start with black people? Enlightened is way too fancy of a word for those people. Everything needs to be simplified into basic grunts and growls and accompanied by a drum machine if possible.

Yeah, grew up around Oakland and I've heard on and off since the early 90s; mostly from afrocentric / hotepian / kwanza types and white idiots with dreadlocks from Cal and UC Santa Cruz.

Sam Tripoli had the best response to this a couple weeks ago - "if anyone knows hacky its you! You used a cheat code to get on stage to be one of us."

Where did he say that?

Thanks for finding it, good on Sam T. It's also very surprising that Jim was willing to debate Judd the Jew face to face like that... maybe he already burned his bridge with Judd, or was pissed he only got a 10 second cameo in crashing.

The worm has turned?!

Fuckers are upset not because of the kids but because they expected a nicer, groveling Louie. Instead he stuck it up their ass.

So Jim defends Louis and the sub thinks he’s wrong for it? At least give him credit where it’s due. This ain’t no hater site.

You obviously don't know Jim very well. Everything he does is disingenuous.

Jim could've won back his estranged fans if he set all the studio monitors to display the leaked nude selfie of Judd's daughter.

Judd apattow didn’t think anyone aside from CK was taking a hit because of people being overly politically correct. Jim listed off a dozen. It was pretty good. Of course Judd turned himself into a victim.

“I’ve met these kids”

wouldn't it be great if a comedic genius spent the rest of his life grovelling for forgiveness?

Good on Jimmy. He went in on him for 40 minutes straight.

Sounds like Jimmy looked up from his phone. Goddamn Sam is annoying, everytime he speaks it begs the question "Why?".

peacemaking sam is worse than pete holmes/judd, almost.

Louis isn't apologizing and it's driving these SJW cuntbags fucking crazy. I hope he never mentions consensually jerking off and continues to tell retard jokes.

Nice lisp Pete

Judd is literally liberal Nanna..

They posted actual video of the segment from the show:

The two seconds I tuned in after seeing this he essentially did. Holding someone’s feet to the fire is better then telling them to fuck off

He dropped a few angry F bombs eg "I don't fuckin care about a comedian's past concerning an unrelated subject" etc.



She has never played anything other than a bitchy cunt, probably not an accident

Unless he beats Judd to death, not enough

"I don't fuckin care about a comedian's past concerning an unrelated subject" etc.

"We don't want to believe we've been so wrong about a person. I would only work with him again under the right circumstances."

It genuinely doesn't matter. I wish it did, I'd tell you if it did

Nanaaaa just fucked a man

50%. He throws a baseball like a complete fag. That cant6 be blamed on her