I wonder if they’re going to talk about Louis.

1  2019-01-15 by RBuddCumia


Judd Apatow the arrogant, virtue signaling kike.

Judd Apatow has such a hideous jew-beak. His nose looks like Artie’s.

Jim’s going to miss all the wacky faces these two goofballs are making while he stares at his phone.

Someone here said Jim was talking shit about Judd earlier. Omg drama!!!!

He did about his tweets being a scold about the "gender non-binary" jokes when he used to do movies with gay jokes.

But the pussy won't touch on it because he still thinks Judd will hire him one day.

Judd’s a hack watch Boogie Nights again thinking about the movies he’s made. All his movies are just rehashed from a movie that wasn’t even a full on comedy. And they are all 30 minutes too long except Knocked Up.

Boogie nights?

Yeah. I want to see where he was going with that one.

Superbad I think

Knocked Up felt like it was 4 hours long.

Yeah, let's all watch a Paul Thomas Anderson film and then think about Judd Apatow. What do you even mean by that?

Funny People just didn’t fucking end

I can't stand this soft, ineffectual, lukewarm archetype that gets pushed on men these days. Can you imagine putting your hand on another guy's shoulder like that, even for a joke? Fucking gay.

Don’t worry women, this type of smile shows that I’m not a rapist

"You know how you obsess about how having a gay best friend is cool? Well I can do that! Can you let me fuck you though?"

Do you have a better plan?

He even cupped his hand as to not touch him too aggressively.

I want to piss on the both of them.

2 fruits

Imagine being jew-wise and trying to make it as a stand up comedian. Lol.

Looks like a Scott and Todd promo.

I didn't want to motherfuck Louie but Judd that a real tough one maaaan

Pete Holmes might be the unfunniest person on the planet.

His show that was on for like three weeks had to be the worst thing to ever be aired on television.

He is also the worst part of Crashing. It's honestly a good show, but only because the supporting cast is able to carry Pete. Holmes makes Norton look like Marlon Brando.

Yeah it's not bad, which makes you wonder what it would be like if they had a lead character that people didn't instinctively want to punch in the face.

I actually love Peter Holme's HBO show, however the show he had before that lasted like 1 season was so terrible.

No, he actually had a talk shot on tbs slated after Conan. Imagine Scorch without charisma.

And with Chode DeRosa on the writing staff. Yuckaroo.

that's the show I meant, it was TERRIBLE. I didn't understand how anyone put that guy on TV. His HBO being awesome surprised me.

I couldn't finish 1 episode of that pile of shit hbo show that I kept being told was funny.

These 2 dicks needs to be punched in the fucking face.

no Artie?

We’re 2 guys who think a reach around is just common courtesy.

Never heard of Pete Holmes

Yeah. I want to see where he was going with that one.