Man that refuses to use Gillette shaving products

1  2019-01-15 by doxxbrown


Auschwitz, the best a Jew can get.

Yoo busy getting blown to shave

Mel is:

Perpetually blown
William Wallace
Mad Max

Is there anything this man is lacking for?

He is lacking pussification

I was listening to a couple recent interviews with him, and people keep asking him if he had any regrets in his career and he consistently says no. And he ponders it for a few seconds too. This is the greatest living man.

Because people shouldn't have regrets if they recognize them and actively work off of the early life regrets to better yourself.

Man with many regrets because he refuses to work on himself: (See: Jim Norton and Anthony Cumia)

Everyone forgets he played a bit part in the Rene Auberjonois epic, The Patriot.

Sometimes a good shepherd must protect the flock

Bizaro cumio

Hating Jews??

Are you lost?


User name checks out.

He also took down the Triads.


Their shitty razors would snap like twigs going against that magnificent mane.

haha, you just unknowingly admitted you have low test

you don't shave a full beard like that with a gillette razor.

Mel can retract and extend his beard at will

The downvote ratio on that razor video is actually calming.

Those piercing blue eyes, filled with the wisdom of a thousand scholars

Mel shaves razors.

Now that's a face I can trust!

Dollar shave club tried, but he knows better than to give the Jews a dollar

"The rotary electric shaver was invented by a Jewish engineer named Alexandre Horowitz "

Well there's your problem right there.

In the bonus features of What Women Want, there is an interview with Mel about waxing his legs. He says that removing waxing strips wasn't painful and that they had to shoot the scene several times because he had to act hurt. He also says he doesn't know why women complain about waxing all the time, because it isn't that bad.

I remember this because I was the inpressionable age of 13 or 14 when that movie came out. It made me want Mel Gibson as my father. And Marissa Tomei gave me my first pubescent boner

Weird about the father thing. Sorry you had that void brothaman

Nah my Dad is great, it's just that he said Mel was trying to be a tough guy. How dare he question Mel Gibson

In high school there was some seminar about sexism or something. The lady host wanted to talk about how much it hurt having your legs waxed, and wanted a male volunteer to come on stage and get one strip done. The boy who did it sat up on stage, she put the wax an paper on his leg, then ripped it off. He didn't even flinch, and even shrugged afterwards.

Women are stupid.

You guarantee that ripping from the vagina to the anus and pulling of the pelvis bones to allow a watermelon thru a pea sized hole doesn't hurt? You can guarantee that? Hell taking a huge shit can hurt but you think squeezing a baby out doesn't? You are amazing.

Shut up slit

He looks like a cross between jesus and a werewolf. The ultimate alpha.

He's also the best men can be.

his dad is 100 years old, he made more money alone making passion of the christ than all the (((studios))) could ever do. His dad won on jeopardy. fuck you anyone who says shit about him.

What Women Want?

More like What Men Want, amirite fellas?

This sounds like you want Mel sexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that and you could do much worse as a gay man but not floating my boat.


And there's not gay about wantin' a bummin' off God himself. Just makes you a good Christian.

Weird, I was just re-listening to the Mel tapes episodes.

“What!? WHAT?!”

Don’t you hang up this phone on me, I have plenty of energy to drive over there



Get the only REAL MANLY razor!


That's not a man: That's a fucking LION.

Fuck Gillette. Mel is the best a man can get.

And the best any man can hope to be.

A God walking the Earth

This sounds like you want Mel sexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that and you could do much worse as a gay man but not floating my boat.