The Suit by Gucci. The Drapes by Mary Todd Lincoln. The Menu by Carl Ruiz

1  2019-01-15 by oanda333


That was a very King Ralph move by Drumpf. I'd punch a toddler in the face for one of those Quarter Pounders

Spotted dick?

We talking about Louis' STD???


I fucking love this dude.

He is fucking hilarious.

but orange man racis

I hate how people are pretending if they didn't walk into a room and see this they wouldn't be excited. He was welcoming a bunch of dumbass athletes, if I went into a meeting and there was a pile of Wendy's it would be the best meeting ever. What do they want, smoked salmon and pheasant? Eat my ass.

I wouldn't be excited at all, but I still find it hillarious.

Orange Man legitimately bad, but I'd throw down for sure.

Our president is a fucking psycho.

He apparently disassembles his Big Mac and eats everything except the bun. That's some OCD shit. Worried about the carbs in the bun but the patty made of beef mushed together from cows from 3 different continents and the sugar and salt loaded 'special sauce' and plastic cheese - no problem.

He also orders fillet steak well done and slathers it in ketchup. This, for me, is by far the most offensive thing about him.

Whatever. Fucking Barack Obama ate at Five Guys an smoked a whole fucking bunch. Clinton would eat at McDonalds on his fucking jogs. We don't have health nuts in the White House with amazing palettes, and you can't really be one, considering the job you have.

Relax, I don't really care. Overcooked steak is the worst though, especially a fillet which is more about texture than taste. You may as well not eat it rather than have it well done. He's probably a germaphobe and thinks you can get sick from underdone beef like it's chicken.

Overcooked steak is the worst though

Anymore pearls of wisdom? Everyone knows this. Stop acting like you're a connoisseur, you probably buy cheap cuts from Walmart.

I have food delivered from Harrods and Harvey Nick's foodhall. Walmart isn't a thing in my world, pleb.

Thank you for your service.

ASDA is owned by Walmart.

I've literally never set foot in an Asda.

Sharia law however, is.

Imagine giving a fuck about Obama eating at 5 Guys...

I don’t see the shame in that, Five Guys is actually amazing. Bottom tier taste in MtF transexuals, top tier taste in burgers.

Five Guys is delicious. Watch your tongue!

Has it occurred to anyone that maybe Mcdonalds pays them significant amounts of money to advertise their products? The guy probably doesn't even eat the shit, have you ever seen video of him actually eating it?


and you can't really be one, considering the job you have.

Yes, you actually can. It's as simple as having a proper diet and exercise, and with in-house chefs, you can order pretty much anything you want. You're just making up excuses for some fatass dude who eats garbage. That bing said, how big are your tits fatso?

considering the job you have

You have an in-house chef whose only job is to cook whatever you want whenever you want it. A president has unlimited access to top-quality healthy food if they want it.

You call it offensive, I call it patriotic.

That's what he was going for, I'm sure.

Eating raw meat is code for sucking dick

Medium rare isn't raw, peasant.

Medium rare aka average sized dick in your homo mouth

You think about that stuff a lot?

No sir. Very varied thought patterns.


Stop dm'ing me dick pics, dude. I told you I'm not into that shit



Not to mention all the sugar in the salt itself

It's a tough one man.

And I'm enjoying the entertainment.

Isn’t he just terrific?

He is, but I can’t shake the feeling he’s gonna drop dead soon.

The absolute mad man

National Champions? Have a filet o fish stupid.

good dude, he gave the kitchen staff the night off.

You mean the last month?

Popeyes or KFC would have been more appreciated.

Its Clemson - they’d like Chik-Fil-A instead...

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

On most of reddit they would find this bot cute and funny.

Actually, something is missing from this picture. No French fries. Only an asshole would order 300 burgers and no fries.

They’re on the table behind the guy on the left. I saw another picture where the fries were in white paper cups with the presidential seal on them😂

President Sam Roberts.

much like Sam Roberts. when he does eat steak. he eats it well done and with ketchup.

This nigga acting like an old-ass Richie Rich

Erock's hor d'oeuvres

Poor Latifa having to make all these burgers, lol.

Angel from Dexter has moved into catering?

Thanks for reminding me of that embarrassingly written incompetent boob of a character.

Did you like his mild speech impediment?

I did not care for it.

"Debowah had a wough time with her last boyfwend. Guy was a weal wascal."

Worst character in the history of television.

3 words. Walter White Junior.

Two letters and a word: AJ Soprano.

i wanna become american just to vote for this guy. fucking hilarious.

Have the White House's toilets ever experienced such an omphalos of liquid shit before?

An omphalos is a religious stone artifact, or baetylus. In Ancient Greek, the word ὀμφᾰλός means "navel".

God damn, dude.

Great Greek word.


You got the word calendar there, brotherman?

I heard cr1tikal use it like 4 years ago lol

Can't wait for John Oliver to come out with his hot take on this.

Fucking hack.

slams desk HE! BOUGHT! THEM! FAST FOOD! cheap and lazily metaphor that vaguely relates to the situation

I bet he regrets being on hiatus until February. He's going to resurrect news that's months old.


This is cool as fuck, I will get McDonald's today now to support my country and fellow Americans.


Christ what a fat cunt. No wonder America is full of body positive dickheads.

Bruh give me 4 bong hits and I’d fuck that whole table up

this is pretty cash money tbh

Yeah those football playing teens tend to have very sophisticated tastes, what an insult.

Yeah those football playing teens

They're college football players, not teens hanging out at Denny's for 4 hours ordering coffee. Fuck outta here

Teens, early twenties... same thing. I agree with Nana here.

The decision making by Tel Aviv.

This seems like an appropriate reward for being good at a ball game.

There is legitimately nothing I would rather have plated infront of me. The man is a legend.

The fuck are there plates? Niggah you eat out of the boxes nd wrappers.

I'm surprised Bob Kelly didnt break through the wall like an even fatter koolaide man

Guess the watermelon would roll off the table so they are in a basket away from the table.
