Joe Cumia is a stupid piece of shit pedophile rapist

1  2019-01-15 by I_WILL_RAPE_HOMO_JOE


A piece of SHIT? 😂 Another obvious LIBTARD HATER. I am a VETERAN, a musician, and Anthony Cumia is my BROTHER. I am no piece of shit, TAKE IT BACK.

This motherfucker types just like Joe Cumia. I’d go out in a limb and say it’s definitely him.

Name checks out

But he went on National Tv and made unsolicited declarations that he is indeed NOT a pedophile. May I remind you this was unprovoked and made without any reference to him being a pedophile or pedophilia in general.

Wrong! He never said that he wasn't a pedophile. He just let everyone know on national television that he has had persistent accusations of pedophilia be made against by many people. He never said anything beyond that.

Pretty sure he said he’s NOT a pedophile but I’ll have to get the transcript from the stenographer.

Watch it again. He really didn't. Everyone assumes he must have but he didn't. Most people aren't able to comprehend just how stupid Joe really is.

Joke's on you. He can enter contracts.

Joe Cumia raped Dawn Cumia.