Is Anthony dead?

1  2019-01-14 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


At the very least, his career is

Will he be buried or cremated?

If cremated, will Artie snort his ashes?

Cremation is Haram. He will be wrapped in white cloth and buried facing Mecca. Peace be upon him.

Allah willing πŸ™

I hope so.

Nobody has a way of knowing.

in an ecological/biologic sense, he is definitely decomposing

Anthony is small potatoes. Norton dying alone and unloved in his unfurnished apartment would give me a massive erection for days.

The sub wouldn't be able to stop cumming and would have to shut down due to lack of activity.

It's funny because I honestly believe Ant is a pedophile rapist who doesn't care about anyone but himself and I still hate Jim more. A lot of that applies to Jim too I guess, but his sharp inhale "I don't know, man..." wormy personality is all it takes. Maybe if Ant still had twitter or I didn't routinely forget he even has a show it would be different.

Did he do his show today or conveniently not show up?

Sick as a dog

I hope Keith fires him for it.

But he ain't the man

The Dave Landau Show, only 11.99/month.


Got the redditards πŸ˜™πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

Nobody? I’m the one who’s gonna have to say it? You cunts.

Won’t see him no moah.

Glad you had a handle on things.

I do it for you.

He's been dead to me for years.

Hope so.

It appears so.

I dunno 2019 saw me cancel my sub

Took you long enough.

Yes he died this morning. Shit himself and everything.

That's just his normal mornings, waking up in a pool of his own feces.

Since November 2008

Yes. He's been dead inside since July of 2014.

At least a third of his organs have been beaten down by rampant drug abuse

How fast would compound media go out of business after he’s dead?