People that make Chris Kuhn look good 1/2

1  2019-01-14 by TonyFromLongIsland


White people

Does that look like a white person to you, you stupid fucking cunty ass brillo pad headed swampcunt?



I really wouldn't mind wringing your fawkin neck.

Only if you let everyone else here do it too.

I don't know man, that's a tough one... I realize Chris Kuhn was trying to spend quality time with his son, which is nice to see in the black community. You could even say he was trying to teach him the family business. However poor Qadan would have been better off left home alone, unattended that particular evening... This poor guy is just trying jam on some Madden, and since women hate to see men happy that little bitch went and totally mother-fucked him!

Kuhn is a kinslayer, way worse.

A four year old "toddler"?

Also, has anyone checked if the Xbox is alright?

So he is 19.. and his girlfriend had a 4 year old daughter. I highly doubt this mutant would be dating someone older.. meaning the girlfriend had a daughter when she was 15???

I had a couple at work that had two children... dad was 14 and mom 16. High possibility they were both inbred and related. Gotta love the mountains of western PA/WV

I used to work in NJ and there was a 20 year old there with 5 kids. They said the only reason they had so many was to go on welfare. Imagine finding out you were born into this world just so mommy could get free gibs.

I used to work with a white trash meth-head who was married to a psychotic Phillipino whore. If we got a beer after work she would call his phone like 5 times, and if he didn't answer she'd call the bar, or just show up looking for him. Totally unhealthy relationship, 4 kids already, they were getting a divorce, but both wanted one more, because 5 is the magic maximum number to claim for tax benefits and welfare I guess? It was beyond fucked up. The same guy once delivered me and my friends a 1/2 ounce of mushrooms at 2am with a sleepy 2 year old over his shoulder like "Naw man, it's no problem, I gotta stop and get diapers anyway..."