Someone on this sub must challenge Brother Joe to mutual combat.

1  2019-01-14 by YangtzeRiverChina

It lets you beat the shit out of him and it is legal. Someone on this sub has to be in New York & is willing. He said no one will face him like he's Shao Kahn or some shit


dear joseph cumia jr

i will beat you to death i am half your age i am 6'2 210 i hate niggers you are a nigger tell your brother to send me gas money your wife is ugly

love winston

I’m 5‘8“ tall and 170 pounds. I can kick the shit out of that fat retard.

I'm 3'5", 49 pounds. I'm Joe Rogan and I will taekwondo your shit

PS I’ll find my frog Who took my frog

Hey Joe, meet me at the barber shop on Martin Luther King Boulevard in Newark.

My name is Nigger, just yell it out, until I come.

I might not hear you or be at a friends so go into the nearest subsidized housing complex and scream my name while knock in doors.

Yeah or wear a sandwich board that says I HATE NIGGERS for added visibility

The Rocket is up for matchup with Joseph. You see, once upon a time The Rocket called Hicksville home. Now that is just a short Rocket ride from the compound. If Son Of Anarchy Joe wants to test his might against the Rocket, well then, the Rocket just might have to hit him with The Red Glare and pin him 1.2.3. Would all of you Rocketeers like that? Houston, you have a problem.

Fuckin love you, TheRocket.

Right back at you Rocketeer

Shao Kahn more like Sho Nuff.

That Shao Kahn line was funny as fuck.

Ok ok ok ok ok ok... So you're saying you want Joe to finally put up or shut up?

I have tried in the past, but the airfare from my far-flung location has stymied my attempts at physically brutalizing and elderly person with my hands and elbows.