Defend this guy

1  2019-01-14 by TonyFromLongIsland


Incredibly sheltered trust fund jew from Hollywood shares his thoughts on that stuff he smoked one time that made him freak out about molesting his sister .

Where my SLK boys at

Best marketer of mainstream liberalism as dangerous rebellion since Rage Against The Machine.


Doesn’t seem too rebellious considering it is the ideology of 99% of Hollywood news media and academia. When you grow up absolutely surrounded by liberal indoctrination, it just doesn’t seem very edgy. How can the status quo be rebellious?

I've heard his name countless times on Rogan's podcast, and as someone who keeps up with current events related to this country, the world and the media, I've got know idea who the fuck this Shapiro guy is, and why people listen to him. If he brands himself as a 'young conservative', that tells me he's a fucking stiff, or a liar. No one that age is a true, modern day conservative unless it's a ploy to make money.


You fucking retarded?

No I just think your last sentence was.

These guys are all fucking hypocrites, every last person who claims they're a conservative, which in this day and age, means, fiscal conservatism takes a backseat to moral conservatism. Remember Ted Steven's? Anti-gay moral conservative who got busted for soliciting gay sex in an airport. The Palin family who preached abstinence in the name of God, yest the daughters got knocked up prior to marriage. The list goes on.....

Sounds like you go that off your chest, i didnt read any of it, but you can gtfo of OnA reddit and make a bee line for the chapo trap house

Lol. Sad

I think you’re thinking of Sen. Larry Craig from Idaho not Ted Stevens.

Yes, you are correct.

How is he a hypocrite? That guy is an observant Jew who at age 9 or some shit told Larry King he wants to be the first orthodox Jewish, conservative Supreme Court judge.

I find a lot of his (mainly foreign) policy views to be terrible, but he seems to be sincere is in his conservatism.

Cause he’s a midget kyke, that’s how

Wow! You found a conservative man who sucks cock. That means conservatives don’t exist! Brilliant logic!

He’s a guy with some good ideas that he simultaneously cancels out by being a religious fundamentalist.

Any adult who fervently believes in God and lives their life as if God is judging them, should not be taken seriously.

You might want to rethink that theory. Generation Z is the most conservative generation since World War II. Sorry to ruin your day.

Cool story, man.

Mossad asset.

if i had a being a confrontational sociopath company i would hire him so i never have to deal with him

also i would try to fuck his sister

Your comment made no sense.

His sister has big juicy tits.

Not Shapiro, the guy in the red hat at the timestamp

you think anyone here watches the video before commenting

thats cute

Hey, that one was somewhat coherent.

i should have said this first for clarity

dont ghost edit and then talk more shit you fucking faggot

You should probably try editing your original jibber jabber, fella.

That is the mark of a faggot, faggot.

Quiet faggot or I'll rape you to death

Dont tease me, just get to work.

More “lol” to drive you point home

Ahh the infamous Kazar Milkers. Those titties are reason enough for me to not have a second Holocaust.


the right wing fawns over this fucking nasally Zionist shrimp

How dare you talk about our screechy little kike that way

No we don’t.

Sounds like you go that off your chest, i didnt read any of it, but you can gtfo of OnA reddit and make a bee line for the chapo trap house

Lol. Sad

I think you’re thinking of Sen. Larry Craig from Idaho not Ted Stevens.

How is he a hypocrite? That guy is an observant Jew who at age 9 or some shit told Larry King he wants to be the first orthodox Jewish, conservative Supreme Court judge.

I find a lot of his (mainly foreign) policy views to be terrible, but he seems to be sincere is in his conservatism.

Wow! You found a conservative man who sucks cock. That means conservatives don’t exist! Brilliant logic!