Jimmy is trying to date more age appropriate. She's only 17 years younger than him.

1  2019-01-14 by Dennyislife

And a fan.

And then she stopped reply to him. And blocking him on dating apps.


Listening to that too

expand you assholes


Elaborate. Is it that chick from Vancouver that he flew to NY?

The one who was an aspiring radio personality totally by coincidence?

The one that was rivaling Princess Alena in make-up coating?

Fucking her way to fame. Stunning and brave!


Did he talk about it on the show this morning? Because no one would know if that’s the case.

She? Genetic she or "she"?

We're not allowed to specify.

if it's "they" discriminate

Is that there gap tooth bitch?

No. He didn't meet this one.

And then she stopped reply to him. And blocking him on dating apps.

Source? I want this to be true.

He does a radio show

And none of us listen to it

We now know for sure that they have at least one listener.

Who knew /u/Dennyislife is Jim & Sam's biggest fan, mixing it up here with us? He's a sneaky one, I'll give him that.

If there biggest fan is someone who put it on before heading out then i guess i am. One of about 5k who listens for free on youtube.

they all know he has STDs. Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, not a wrestler but Jim is the real life Triple H

Plus Chyna looks like Jims sort of "thing"

That dude is dead.

Nobody is impressed by Morton. Gospel of Colin 13:1

Anyone got a clip?

Towards end of first hour. I know that as I went out when it got to first advert break

"Advert"? Are you a limey?

yes. I use English correctly.

And i'm not sure why Limey is used in a derogatory way. Adding vitamins lacking from sailors diets is hardly a bad thing is it.

I use English correctly.

No capitalization on "yes" and starts a sentence with a conjunction. You got a loicense for that english mate?

capitalization? u wot

"Advert" is the most retarded abbreviation of all time.

color is

I'll have you know the "color" spelling variant had been used in Europe hundreds of years before Noah Webster formalized the spelling in his American dictionary.

Shakespeare himself used the "color" spelling at times.

Blame your gap-toothed forebears for the "color" spelling.

How about stop dating like a teenager and just make some natural human connections. He's such a fucking woman about everything

Is this the Jigsaw looking one?

To save you all the waste of time listening. Jim says he's trying to date closer to his age so it's not creepy.

He started talking to a supposed female through a dating app. She was 33 and apparently knows him from the comedy cellar.

After some back and forth Jim tries to get a dinner date. He asks if she likes steak. She says she doesn't eat meat. He asks "Fish?". She goes no contact and blocks his number and dating app account.

Thank you for your service. And big "oof" on that one, Jimmy. Any time I hear a dating story from Jim, it's almost always about him angling for approval from a woman.

I bet the asked those questions short and dry like a New Yorker.

Very romantic.

Jim is a narcissist douche who thinks he's famous outside of O&A and among a group of comics who are more successful than him

Things women want from men:

· baldness · homo ass diseases · steakhouse invites · retarded persistence

After some back and forth Jim tries to get a dinner date. He asks if she likes steak. She says she doesn't eat meat. He asks "Fish?".

Since I'm a fag and heard this story too, its worth noting this is the second time Jim asked this same question in the text conversation.

He says he forgot the first time because he was "on the road"

Why wouldn't he go back and read previous texts before making an ass out of himself. I doubt there was that many exchanged to begin with. What a fucking moron.

What i've learned of him trying to conduct an interview, Jim is not a great listener.

Asking a woman out for a steak? What a fucking moron. And then follows up with “Fish”?

I’m no expert on dating, but this is fucking dating-for-dummies page 1: She says she’s a vegetarian, you say “cool, I know a lot of great vegetarian restaurants in the city”, then you immediately google it, find the one that looks most high-end and you take her to that place.

The worm really is a fucking useless piece of shit.

Or for first dates you go get a drink. Oh, Jimmy doesn't drink and won't go to a bar probably. So go get coffee. Oh, Jimmy either goes to bed at 8:30, or goes to do a set, so he won't have caffeine. So, uh, long steak dinner at 6:00?

There's a decent veg/vegan restaurant less than two blocks from the Cellar called Quantum Leap. Easiest fucking date ever.

I'd bet 2 bites of my pasta lunch that it was one of you beautiful jerkholes who catfished him.

Someone with a hot sister needs to catfish Jim or Anthony.

the last time jim dated his own age a ten year old boy in a swimming pool pissed in his mouth.

must hold on to, anyone that loves you, and I will love you through simple and the struggle, but girl you gotta understand the modern man must hustle


I'll never understand guys who think that money/status overrides basic human attraction. If you're of daddy age and she can't call you daddy without non-horny giggling, you are not a silver fox catch.

Hate to say it, but I'm probably with Jim on this. Just say you aren't interested instead of blocking. Of course if you go back in the message he was probably a douche or kept asking the same questions over and over.

And then she stopped reply to him. And blocking him on dating apps.

I like this girl.

Cunt or a cock girlfriend?

0% of good relationships start on dating apps.

Jesus christ, just ask a bitch out for a drink. Pick the bar ahead of time and tell her you'll meet her there. If she shows, great. If not, your at a fucking bar. It's a room full of chicks looking to get fucked. You're 30 years older than me, how does this need to be explained.

Even cool wine aunts shy away from him. If he started looking for serious relationships when he was 40, he'd end up with someone who had actual eggs left.

Towards end of first hour. I know that as I went out when it got to first advert break