A still of Colin laughing at Norton bitching about his egg whites “tasting like that thing they’re grilled on.” I can’t wait until this sack of shit is off the radio.

1  2019-01-14 by suirogerg


How about a supercut of just norton blathering about his eggs?

What’s a supercut?

Big Edit thing, I thought I saw it referred to as a supercut? Either way it makes me feel cool just saying it , supercut, ahhh there’s that cool feeling again, I’ll prolly wear cool guy sunglasses when I Chaperone my kids for their school dance.



Late 20’s whhhhhy

"Supercut" is one of those words for something that already had a word for it. Like "binge watch" for "marathon". In this case it's "compilation".

Can we come a compromise and call it a supercompilation? Just one more thing, you know I can’t be perceived to loose face, so I need to run Bloomfield and the paving union also

come a compromise

loose face

Are you drunk?

The place Anthony will be going to get his haircuts when he’s bankrupt and can’t afford John Sahag anymore.

Some banal internet bullshit

Your people's irrational hatred of a these guys is so unfathomably pathetic and weird it's just sad. It's like watching a retarded child get worked up over a board game.

Hi, intern in the photo whose name I love already forgotten.

Hello delusional fuck who thinks I'm in any way associated with the show and not some fat rando from the Midwest. This is precisely the issue. You're just a fucking weird fuck. Who even thinks this way? "OH SOMEONE THINKS MY OBSESSIVE CREEPY STALKING OF BARELY-KNOWN CELEBRITIES IS WEIRD IT MUST BE SOMEONE FROM THE SHOW!"

Use your brain you doorknob. Is your life so devoid of meaningful relationships that you attach yourself to a stranger like a parasite? And Jim is the worm?

Kill yourself

If you don’t like the show and the antics of the sub, why not just leave it alone, fatso?

Hi joe

You know when Jimmy would repeat the joke to the clueless caller on the phone, and repeat it again and again, in the open, because the guy just wasn’t getting it? And he would say, under his breath, “are you not getting this?” Yeah, that’s you right now.

Excuse me sir, name calling like this leads nowhere. Civil discourse is the order of the day here. The actual show that has gathered us to this place has been dead for five years now. It hurts. I mean maybe you have autism! How does that feel? See? You don’t know for sure what Colins actual feelings were or are. None of us do. Going forward, If we can’t talk about this stuff like adults well then I bid you good day

Says the guy who associates with people who vandalized a woman's obituary? You've been "hurt" for five years? Still talking about shit that happened 10+ years ago and getting angry about it?

And yes, I do know for sure, it's called being socially aware and being able to read basic social cues like someone enjoying a situation and joking around with their friend. And even if he was laughing at him, WHO THE FUCK CARES? You're not Jim, Colin, or anyone who even remotely matters in their social circle. You're just creepy anonymous lunatics.

If you cannot see how truly, 100% pathetic this subreddit is to literally anyone outside of it, you're delusional. I guarantee you that if you were to show enough posts to any random person so that they fully understood what this sub is without editorialization and allowed them to make up their own mind, they would think the members here are psychopaths. It just simply is fucking weird beyond belief.

Well now my feelings are hurt sir. I hope you’re satisfied. The original Show was my favorite thing ever and I continue to follow and fully support all efforts. The constructive critiques come from a heartfelt place. The original show did the most beautiful and tasteless shit imaginable. But it was always of a humorous nature. At the end of the day it’s all in good fun. Not everyone here is actually trying to sabotage shit, though the original show sabotaged lots of shit, but I digress. I was a fan and I will be a fan for life. So poo poo on you sir

Oh hai Joseph oops I mean Kohsif. You finally shot enough meth into your penis to pretend you're gonna rumble with the big boys tonight?

He might have a comb that looks like a pocket knife! Watch out guys!

Why are you acting like this dude fucked your girlfriend? Simmer down. Faggot.

To be fair we did make fun of jimmy being annoyed at his eggs. I guess we kinda had it coming...

You sound like a boomer.

“Socially aware and reading basic cues” says the guy who doesn’t get the joke and is missing all the direct cues.

Oh you mean his retarded 8 year old girl sarcasm? Yeah no I got that.

Don't go cry-iiiiiiiiin'

To your Moooooooo-mma...

'You people'???????

I took exception to that as well.

I feel raped.

I'm literally shaking (due to alcohol withdrawal).

It could be both. It is both

It’s objectively true that Colin sided with Jim on his little rant and didn’t mock him at all.

Big whoop, Colin is an unfunny douche as well.

I wish Norton would pop up in a ISIS video.

"Abdullah! Time for a quick picture? I brought my own pen"

Jim looks kind of fat here.

He continuously fluctuates between skinny and fat

He's fattening up lately.

Maybe he's working on his curves.

Even when he doesn’t have it, Jim has to hold his hand like he’s got his phone on him.

The worst part about that aside from his faggotry was not knowing the name of what they were cooked on. He kept saying “it tastes like I don’t know, whatever they cooked it on”. You mean a grill, a flat top or a pan you faggot know nothing.