Conservative Joe Cumia demands more taxes.

1  2019-01-14 by RBuddCumia


niggers are always trying to blame others for their follies #WHYDONTYOUBEHAVE #whereisanthony?

Glad I'm not that kind of former smoker. Fucking asshole.

Every time I pick up a pack of Marlboros I think: “at least I’m not spoiling crack with my mom”.


Oopsie daisies.

So 1.5 cents per cigarette or 30 cents a pack? Joe, you do realize cigarettes went up around $3 a pack in NYC just last year, and people still smoke. Ol' Fiscal Joe at it again!

Wants to tax the shit out of everything he personally disagrees with?

Get a load of Social Justice Warrior Joe over here.

Smoking is one of the foulest habits? What a pussy.

Snuck a jab in at old opie there at the end too. Slick

Cigarettes are already taxed way more than that in NY.

He does have trouble with the basics.

These fucking Cumias, thinking they're conservative because their father fucked them with a barrel of a rifle.