Baby Boy was FUUURRIIIOOUS the staff forgot to prep him of every detail about their porn whore guest. Ant sounds like a defeated pussy.

1  2019-01-13 by RapistWithHIV


God, he’s such a cunt. He sat there like a little slug and only piped up with his basic schtick reactions every few minutes, and he’s got the balls to criticize anyone’s work ethic.

Most hateable person from the show. More so than And, even more than Sam. Fuck Jim Norton.

It's amazing how years of material was used against Opie for being a drama queen when clearly the biggest faggot diva alive, not even just from O&A but that I've ever heard of, is Jim Norton.

I can understand why, for quite a while Jim was actually funny but there was a few years where he was a stupid bitch and they kept the trend going anyway.

He’s # 1 on my chart

did he find out her father was murdered, and he didn't get to ask her about it?

Pretty close actually, he found out she had a stalker who murdered her body building boyfriend & the worm didn't get to ask about it. SCUUUUMMMBAAAAAGGGSS

I wish Steve C would of bashed his head in !

And no one picked up on how much of a prima donna shitheel Jimmy was back then.... and now....

Way to steal Terrible Tim's look, shitdick.

Ant is the last person I want to hear bragging about great anger management and letting things go.