If your wife won't take your last name or wants to play the hyphen game, she has no respect for you.

1  2019-01-13 by ConcreteSkull

Advice to single guys: figure this out before you reach that stage. Otherwise you will end up a henpecked little bitch like Mr. Burr-Hill, chained to a woman who will cut you off at the knees at every opportunity.


This is correct. High maintenance, part time bitches. They want to avoid the guilt when they are introducing themselves with your last name to the next guy before they get rid of you.

And if you take her name, you're just a 'mo.

The John and Jeff Show

The John and Jeff Show

We think boneless Buffalo wings aren't buffalo wings at all. If it doesn't have a bone, it's a spicy chicken nugget.

The John and Jeff Show

Also make sure they actually go ahead with it. I've seen women say they just forgot and kept their last name. Never trust women. Also grab her by the arm to show her how strong you are.

Ah the goon hand

what if you arent that strong?

Take your dick out and start jacking

Bill also got her on Crashing.

what kind of gay faggot gets married

dont get married

People who aren't degenerates

fuck off faggot. degeneracy is the basis of society.

Cool enjoy becoming Norton then.

Families are the cornerstone of civilization and marriage is the foundation for starting one. Sure the divorce laws are fucked, but that's why you don't marry a dumb bitch and why you make sure your relationship is based on something stronger than just having sex and going on stupid vacations together. The alternative of just banging random broads is no substitute for creating the next generation.

I worked with a hot ass woman who refused to take her husband’s name, which was Pig.

From what I gathered they fought about it constantly.

Anywho, I moved away and was creeping on her more than 5 years later. ...She took the name.

Good pig

She was so hot when she was pregnant.

Stayed rail thin, but tits got gigantic.

That's one sexy looking pig

Yeah I thought a lot about how I wanted to stab her in utero baby in the head with my dick.

I won't marry, but I'm cool owning a woman or two