Sams_seed comment?

1  2019-01-13 by Otto-Ernst-Remer



Im smarter than this dude

That's cause you have a second brain on your stomach. Cut that shit off

I want her to tattoo a smiley face on it.

I think we'd all prefer her stomach brain's opinion.

If we're using "ways to scam the welfare office out of more money" as the barometer, probably.

"Nigger Smart" just like a dog you tell them no with a treat, they still find a way to get it whine,cry,be your best buddy, then when you back is turned they grab it

Dogs are nice and cool tho.

Let's evaluate that claim:

  • you debase yourself in public
  • you adorn yourself with gaudy plastic nails and other people's hair
  • you are loud, crass, boastful

I'll go with Dumb N <--your own mind completed that for you, didn't it?

Stop passing off Kuato's smarts as your own.

Just to be clear... Genes affect your skin, eyes, hair, blood, muscles, heart.... Every major organ and there are observable biological and medical differences in all of these between races... But the brain?

No way.. No way did populations developing in different areas, prioritizing different evolutionary traits develop different brains and intelligences. Just every single other part of the body.

Got it.

This guy dedicated his entire career studying these things, but as some random person on Reddit, I will agree that he is totally wrong based 100% off of my personal feelings and anecdotal evidence. Black people don't do well on IQ tests because of colonialism and the white men who have impoverished them. So what if they hadn't even discovered the wheel yet and were too busy throwing spears at each other for the past 200,000 years to form ANY form of meaningful civilization or develop a structure beyond a single story dung-hut. If the white man hadn't shown up and wiped out all of the black bone-lipped "scholars" they would have colonized Mars by now.

It's also not like they trashed and ruined everything left behind by white colonists when they left, and immediately reverted back into being tribalistic, violent and savage.

I mean, it's not as though white European countries pulled out and the continent pretty much immediately was the main source of human slavery, child sexual exploitation, child soldiers, disease, poverty and famine.

Stupid Nobel prize winners, keeping Africa from becoming Wakanda.

Wakanda forever.

Totally - why can’t they be as intelligent as the barbarian tribes of trans-alpine Gaul?