More footage of Jimmy acting like a completely normal human being

1  2019-01-13 by SpudPeelinJoe


It's so weird how Anthony doesn't even try to do his radio voice anymore. Hes laying it on thick here.

What the fuck?

that boy ain't right

He's an alcoholic, leave it alone.

You should check out his natural reaction to Gavin saying Dawn had a great ass on the tscs Thanksgiving special.

What form of mental illness is this

When I see these videos, I'm disgusted I ever liked these homos.

Lol you liked homos

Did he have a seizure?

laughs before the funny bit

that's cool man

norton.exe has stopped working

Damn Ant aged so much between then and now.

Serious tho, what the fuck is actually wrong with him? Autoimmune issues?

Looks like Keith was sucking Jim's dick here. He does that for everyone but most Compound Media guests are better at hiding it on camera.