Reminder: Sexy Nana

1  2019-01-12 by WhatTooReal


Mfw when noticing schoolgirls are experiencing a windy day

Nice Pride shirt, stupid.

This is someone who should have spent his short shitty life cleaning ocean gunk off the bottom of boats for very little compensation

Don't worry. He'll be back there in 1-3 years.

Creepy shithead fuck.


Gay nigger.


Ain't it fun

Nana could birth Patrice with those hips

he looks hammered

No no no no... I’m not hammered. Who said that? Jimmy?

You can see the exact moment when the vibrating egg shifted in his queer ass.


Birthing hipped faggot.

I've only ever seen this as a still picture. Watching it move is horrifying.


I feel for those poor compound children.

Haha, what a swooshy faggot.

Haha, what a swooshy faggot.

We heard you.


pretty sweet pride shirt tho

So much worse than the still.

Those aren’t craters, they’re canyons.

Nana ready for a feeding

Fucking heinous