The lack of charisma, self awareness and IQ is amazing with this character.

1  2019-01-12 by RBuddCumia


How do you refer to someone as a racial epithet? Nice understanding of the English language, stupid.

He tries his absolute best and fails every time

What’s up, my racial epithet!

I don't get what he wants. Does he want to be able to walk by a black person and say whats up nigga? Is he pushing for nigga equality? You'll make more progress attempting to crack cold fusion dummy.

He wants his dead mommy NOT to have fucked a bunch of black guys in the 1950’s-80’s.

I heard a past his prime Riddick Bowe fucked her in 1997

Ah, so after Mile Davis’s cousin but before Hakeem Olajuwon.

He wants the days of the antebellum South back, when a white man could snap his fingers at a black of any age and call him "boy" and any of them who didn't do what he was told and do it with a "yessir boss" would be strung up.

What he doesn't know is that, if transported back to those simpler times, Joe would be deemed "a high yella" (at best) and would be whupped and then lynched for being "an impertinent nigra."

This sub is like an encyclopedia of olde time racist shit. Someone on here months ago said that black kids would be covered in honey on golf courses to keep bugs away from the whites

I just read a lot of Twain.

Sadly, I’ve heard people say similar shit as what joe just typed.

Snoop Doggy Shit. Fuckin' got him, Joe. What a zinger.

You want to steer clear when Joseph Cumia is on the warpath

To someone of his advanced age this is hilarious


He sets up these unlikely scenarios in his head then get's angry at the conclusions he forms. The man is completely unhinged.

It's Cumia Conspiracies

That’s basically twitter and social media for his generation. People reacting to fake shit created by likeminded people just to rile them up.

"So you're saying that if I ran into a burning building and saved a black person by screaming "run towards my voice nigger" that I would be the bad guy?"

This is missing about 17 "so's" but otherwise accurate.

Also missing some other fabricated nonsense about lifting a car off of a white baby then throwing it at Bin Laden.

So so so so words are racist?


You dont think people are still saying "I know you are but what am I?"

Joe should write some skits with East Side Dave.

The return of chinky the puppet

In the good old days, dolts who dropped out of high school were put to work and not heard from or listened to. Now, thanks to social media we’re forced to listen to political analysis from people who should be dying from asbestos exposure.


Every person who’s friends with him on Facebook muted him years ago. He’s literally taking to himself.

He averages 0-1 likes per post and still think he's a revolutionary.

Suck ON that redditards!

Who cares what Snoop Dogg thinks?

Also its funny Joe and Snoop both cosplay as gangster tough guys

Wannabe Crip vs. wannabe Hells Angels badass

It'd be like yelling NI@@ER in a Baptist church!

That is truly a turd of a post.

When u starting the podcast back up, Joe?

To be fair, snoop is an N person.

This man, who happens to suck cock, is a fucking faggot.

AKA Snoop Doggy Shit

This is a 60 year old man.

S: 1

P: 1

E: 4

C: 1

I: 1
A: 2
L: 10

Don't you have to have at least one in everything? Or does he have some kind of modifier to intelligence?

His stupidity is enough to break Bethesda's game mechanics.



Imagine if your entire identity centered around constantly posting proof of your extreme retardation and infinite faggotry on social media. When he finally dies even the maggots and microbes will shun his gassy old corpse.

Wow, blacks are the real racists. Boomers conservative are the worst.


He's so fucking boring

I love how someone calls out their real name like it discredits everything he’s done or should make him weak in some magical way.

This man has intricate day dreams about implausible situations that always have to do with race.

I'm starting to think he has some issues to work out.

This is missing about 17 "so's" but otherwise accurate.

So so so so words are racist?

Don't you have to have at least one in everything? Or does he have some kind of modifier to intelligence?