No joke, Opie is the alpha:

1  2019-01-12 by taint_stuffer

I’ll give 3 quick examples.

  1. Keith reached out to Opie through Twitter for a collaboration with Anthony. This comes across as a ratings grab for CPM, but also seems as a desperate attempt by Keith/Anthony to get ratings, realizing that no one gives a shit about anybody in the O&A-verse without the original crew being re-United. They have overhead to worry about though.

  2. There has not been a response that was honest from Anthony or Jim since Gregg started opening up about how there were issues with the structure of the show. They originally came out strong, stating how big of a Faggot Opie is. How is was unfunny (true). How he used the soundboard too often(true). Unbelievably, Opie has come out recently with comments about how shitty they were as well, by not showing up on time, as well as being general pieces of shit towards later interns. This was met without a response by baby boy or ANTH. They lost all ammunition by instantly dumping their dirt several years ago.

  3. Compound media had 13k subscribers during Keith/A/O negotiations around the time of the Artie rumors. While these negotiations fell apart, it’s telling that CPM has the subscriber count stated. Anthony also never came out and denied these numbers, which Opie stated were generous at that time. Also worth mentioning Chippers Podacast has been outranked by Opies shitty podcast in several of the most recent episodes.

Tl;dr : These sopranos Wannabees aren’t shit without Opie, they know it, and want to capitalize on it. Opie isn’t shit without them either. But if Anthony and Opie made things work, The Worm would turn again.



Not really, Gavin talked all kinds of shit and when Opie visited CM he tried to be all friendly and diplomatic with him.

Like an alpha.

Being a gentleman makes you an alpha.

Being a hipster doesn't.

A lord does not respond to a fool's antics in kind.

no joke opie

Alphas don’t eat they boogies

opie is an active pedophile

Sad but true

Sounds about right.

Sounds about right.

Their show would sound awful if the three of them got together again. I don't know why anyone would want a reunion besides for money.

Anthony would regurgitate his FBI statistics, Jim would complain about his food, and Opie would yawn and wish he were fishing instead.

'fore all the real brother men die, baby boys gon' multiply.

I started listening to 2000 WNEW and Opie was actually pretty funny. I wonder if Jim joining caused Opie to lose his confidence or something.

Opie’s the goat.

Yeah he’s the one black kid in school who all the white kids are fearful of until they see him around real niggas from other school who treat like him like the punk he is.

Being the alpha in that room of passive aggressive faggots wasn’t a fucking challenge. Fuck Opie too.

Calling Opie the "Alpha" of this group is like Calling Danny Ross the "Alpha" of this sub: you're opinion is wrong and you should feel bad.