You have been banned from /r/AskReddit

1  2019-01-12 by Cumia_Box


I usually go back to my top comments in my history and change them to just Vos plugs if they are on the main subs. I have some popular innocent one liners get up there sometimes and they dont deserve it to be archived

I completely bullshitted this post when there were 4 comments and got lucky.


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Boy, I was all ready to bust in hear and call you a stupid faggot for fucking up the the imgur link; yet it appears I am the stupid faggot. Life is fully of bitter ironies.

Wait what was wrong? The formatting is very odd for me when the picture isn't opened on imgur

It doesn't go further than "local bank claiming that it was." It sort of works better this way, since 90% of us immediately scan for Vos Rolls now.

Aw fuck. Oh well. There was another non-OA guy who edited his comment with a vos plug as well and that really confused normal Reddit.

Hey now, you're both stupid faggots.

Nice life is fully, stupid

Did you really get banned for that?

Yup. Mods messaged me and said it was blatant spam. I told them it was a PSA.


Is there an Opie and Anthony forum?

No, but the qrv sub is more vicious than this one. On that sub all posts are anonymous, a random number for a name.

Seems a little too political for me. I'm gonna check it out more though.

There are a handful of nutcases there that go on vicious racist rants every few days. Here is one