Fuck this

1  2019-01-12 by ericthemidget_

Post a funny John Mulaney clip.

This faggot is not funny, post proof that he is you downvoting queers.


Im irrationally angry at the amount of you faggots that think he’s good.

This thread has turned me around. I started out agreeing with you, but now I like Mulaney.

Nice contribution, stupid faggot.

You’re a fan faggot, now post a clip.

I don't know who the cunt is, what you posted however was shit

I’ve posted about this before look at my post history.

You think im going to look through your post history about somebody i haven't heard of you dense fuck, and nice deleting of that request you fruitcake. Fuck off with ichese8.

Anthony Cumia style meltdown because of downvotes?

Just post a funny clip bitch.

John Mulaney is not funny. He's that annoying theatre boy from High School. Corny bullshit with an aspergers toe walk.


There. You got a guy who agrees with you.

Cumia just show me a fucking funny clip, holy fuck what’s so hard about that

Oof, the little kids chanting McDonald’s while he pumped his fists was funny tho

I searched John mulaney and found the least funny bit I could

So post the most funniest shit queer, please and thanks.

The guy who played Frazier's dad? I thought it was funny that time he dyed his hair black then he went to a party and sat in a chair but couldn't stand up because it would reveal how all the hair dye had leaked on the chair.


I love that your anger inspired you to leave the other thread to try to Garner sympathy. He's not a great comedian but he's good enough.

Exactly. I posted about this long ago as well

What's new pussycat?

Be more funny

Nice thread, stupid.

Not bad, but like I said I’m irrationally angry the amount of faggots that think he’s funny, tons of comments but no solid funny clip? What gives?

That's a fair point. Why don't you post what his worst material is. 10 mins or less I have a lot of nothing going on.

Alright I’ll show you his Timothy bit and you tell me if it’s funny...


It was, in fact, not funny at all. But OP youre a faggot regardless.

Post the clip bitches I’m ready to laugh

He's a funnier but equally gay tony hinchcliff

I don't know who the cunt is, what you posted however was shit

You think im going to look through your post history about somebody i haven't heard of you dense fuck, and nice deleting of that request you fruitcake. Fuck off with ichese8.