Also: Someone did an aggregate search on reddit for terms like Cuck/Cuckold, Libtard/Libtards and SJW's, to see which subreddit uses them the most. ONCE AGAIN; WE HAVE NOT MADE ONE OF THESE LISTS.

1  2019-01-12 by TangerineReam


Good. If you say any of those things regularly you're not welcome here.

Where do we sit in the use of the word faggot.

That's what I was thinking too. It better be high.

They have to hire mathematicians to develop that metric

I believe both "faggot" and "retard" are not only acceptable but should be used in the same sentence as often as possible, unlike with those faggotized and retarded other subs.

What a clever faggot you are.

Thank you very much, retard.

Bunch of fags

Bet this place is in the top 5 for “stupid”

No it isn’t, dummy.

Nice reply, stupid

@josephcumia fell short at #16

I'd rather we fly a little under the radar. Good work, autists

Do one for the word 'beefers'

I will. I'll upload it tonight.

I was going to take my family to dinner, but they can wait. Beefers come first dammit!

Who cares?