“I'm glad he apologized. He was right to apologize... I love Louis. He's one of my favorite people. But the reality is, it's wrong." - Jim Norton, who previously discussed on SiriusXM the thrill he gets when pressuring legitimate professional massage therapists to give him hand jobs

1  2019-01-12 by Cyril_Saint_John

Every quote in this article is pathetic:

Norton says a future working with the embattled comedian isn't so certain, should C.K.'s career survive. For Norton, it comes down to whether other allegations surface, and, if they do, how C.K. handles them. "I don't see that opportunity arising for a long time," he says. "It would have to be under the right circumstances."



God id never thought about how disgusting Norton was for pressuring therapists to become sex workers, imagine how dirty they all felt afterwards, just trying to earn an honest living using a real skill. Thats how much Norton normalized sexual harassment. Fuck him.

He would then laugh about arching his asshole up towards them like a ghoul.

That's worse than what Louis did

It's way worse. At least Louie asked these women flat out, with his clothes on, so they could make a decision then and there. Jim always tip-toed around it and tried to hint at what he wanted so the women couldn't say "no" without being the ones to acknowledge what he was asking for. Imagine how many women who were absolutely humiliated and disgusted had to continue putting their hands on the worm's disgusting body because they have bosses and don't want to be accused of saying that a customer was asking for a handjob and him claiming he wasn't.

I love how Louie’s kiked defense force is trying creep consent more and more into the narrative when it was never there in the first place.

Soon these faggots will start presenting the story as Louie merely getting turned down for a date.

Show me proof that he didn't get consent. You think a lack of consent wouldn't be the first thing out of these women's mouths? The original NY Times article intentionally left out whether or not he got consent to make it sound worse than it was. He claims he asked every one of them and no one has ever refuted that. Anywhere else you see that he did it "without their consent" is just making up their own story from what they read in the NY Times article, which is disgusting.

It's his whole thing, of course he didn't ask first. That's the thrill of it for him, violating the woman's consent is what gets Louis off. Remember the story of breaking into his neighbors house to jerk off in their panties?

That's the thrill of it for him, violating the woman's consent is what gets Louis off.

Based on what? He probably didn't ask when he jerked off in their panties because he knew he could get away with it if he didn't (and there's no way they'd say yes if he did). He can't masturbate in front of someone without them knowing about it. I also have some doubts as to whether or not the panties story is true or just something he said for the radio. He said in his apology:

I said to myself that what I did was O.K. because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true.

He's obviously trying to soften the blow in his apology and I refuse to believe that any of the 5 women who attached their names to the story wouldn't have immediately made it publicly known if he didn't ask them first.

You doubt his sincerity when it doesn't suit you and then turn around and use it as evidence of him always asking. Which is it? Is he a person who makes up stories or a sincere apologist?

The panties story could be true and it wouldn't change my opinion about the rest of it, but there's a difference between something you say on a comedy radio show and an apology you're giving to the NY Times after you've been accused of sexual misconduct by 6 women. So he could easily be both. He's a comedian. He's undoubtedly made up or exaggerated plenty of stories for comedic effect. It doesn't mean he's a liar in his personal life.

Louie is a spicjew and I hate him but objectively this isnt "harassment" or anything to apologise for. There are a million reasons to hate the fat kike but this isn't one of them.


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Norton does this but he’s too good for C.K. ! What a fucking under the porch cock sucking hypocrite !

I'm guessing most, if not all, only did it due to money problems. Jim Norton takes advantage of poor women.

He still thinks he has a chance at making it in the mainstream. It's just sad. He's 50 years old and hasn't done anything to boost his career regardless of his efforts. O&A is the only reason anyone knows about him. He's so disconnected from reality in every aspect of his life.

This. Just imagine him brooding over his phone as he swear that Louie is crushing his shows and everything. That stupid fucking worm won’t be able to wriggle his way out of the humiliation that’s coming his way.

With friends like these ammirite folks?

You said it.

Pretty sure the line from his leaked set about how he found out who his real friends were and it turned out to be black people.. was directed at that grotesque faggot jim norton.

Norton says a future working with the embattled comedian isn't so certain,

What a loss for Louie.

Only time they worked together was when Louie let him ride his coattail ! Delusional baby boy

I didn't realize they had a partnership. Louis is like a Co-op and Jim is member for the year end $10 you get back in equity.

This fucking idiot. Pandering to people who will never like his comedy. By doing that, he lost the remainder of his actual fans. Such a fucking fool. That’s really when this place turned on him. It was up and down before that, but after that article everyone was like oh fuck this fucking guy. His whole act is supposed to be based on brutal shocking perverse offensive honesty. With one quote, he betrayed not just Louis & comedy, he betrayed his whole act & persona. So the fans said we don’t like the way you work, fuck you forever.

Very well said

He stinks and I don’t like him!

I guess “Kneeling Room Only” was in reference to his groveling.

By doing that, he lost the remainder of his actual fans.

Do you think Chip Chipperson fans think about things?

Right. Forget him being a disingenuous shithead. From a career standpoint...it's fucking unbelievably foolish of him to ingratiate himself with an audience that is the polar opposite of the few fans he has left.

It's exactly what Stern has done - except he did it at a point where he was already worth a billion fucking dollars and is in a position where he can basically re-up for $25M a year every 5 years until he fucking dies.

But Jim...idk. I'll always have a tough time not being more disgusted with anyone from this show than Anthony Cumia. He's a vile piece of shit. But Jimmy is a cunt hair away. At least Anthony's uncontrollable alcoholism explains some of it.

Jimmy is not only sober....but he pretends to be a fucking addict as a way to feel interesting, to feel like the troubled artist with some dark struggles, like his dark Lord Ozzy....what a faggot.

chipperson is on the same level as piscopo using the teeth and glasses to do his letterman impression. Norton got old and out of touch with comedy

Judas Iscariot fucking worm.

Someone should call the Jim and Sam show and call Jim out on this

Is it so hard for the caller to say "don't hang up. Explain why you stabbed Louis in the back"? Don't let them get off track. If someone listening heard the call go to shit then pick up the phone and try again.

Jim has spent years supporting human trafficking through prostitution.

Jim "pretzels are the pinnacle of sobriety" Norton

He's also talk about taking his penis out and rubbing it on women that don't expect it. This fetish is called frottaging. Frottaging is league's worse than asking for consent to masturbate, getting consent and then masturbating. Its funning how Baby Boy doesn't talk about his frottaging escapades anymore.

He also bragged as he was rubbing his dick to women in studio numerous times and to Sam's mom mentioning she got out the shower on the phone.

How will Louis survive without the remarkable acting talent of Jim “bulbous head” Norton?

blinks furiously

Is it so hard to just not comment on something like this? How do you say something like this about a friend who has helped your career as much as Louis helped Jim’s?

Jim’s virtue-signalling is pathetic after everything he’s said he’s done - particularly with not being able to control his impulses.

Exactly. It’s not hard to just not comment, but Norton went out of his way to be a pathetic, backstabbing piece of shit. I don’t recall CQ saying anything at all (I’m not implying Colin would dude with Norton on this one), and Burr and Bob Kelly both defender Louie on their platforms. Jim is like the only one who decided to take this route and virtue signal. I can’t wait to watch him sit there silent when Louie comes back and hopefully acknowledges all those friends of his who stood by him.

Listen to the latest standup. He mentions how he got to see which his friends were, and that black comics defended him (referring to Chapelle)

Yeah I know that, I should’ve been more specific. I was talking about when Louie gets even more exposure and his material is polished. That’s when the worm is really going to be struggling and wriggling.

There's nothing that suggests he was specifically referring to Chapelle

Jim norton, not a good dude

Colin always called him a fucking creep for a good reason

He's the Ron Kind.

You are shocked that Worm Morton was disingenuous?

He’s also seen countless backpage girls and street walkers. A large junk of them are in forced prostitution. But he’s oblivious to that while being critical over CKs rather benign shit.

The difference between Norton and Louis is that Louis is actually famous and no one but O&A fans know Norton.

Fuck you. Is that an actual quote? Jesus Christ.

I think he's become more hateable than Old Lady Cumia. Nana is a bigger piece of shit on account of his criminal behavior.

Actually, Jim has fucked boozed up 16yr olds. They both treat their mothers like shit. I despise both of the SCUM BAGSSSS? equally.

Garafolo is more of a man than him. Fuck that worm

The same guy who couldn't help but jerkoff in the car with Vos or while Vos was getting blown by his gf. He didn't ask for consent he just took it.

Jim is a perfect match for Sam. They belong together

Imagine doing two years of school and making 80k a year then having to put up with 50 year old midgets treating you like a prostitute.

You need the right circumstances to be given roles you would have NEVER gotten under regular circumstances, you shithead?