"THE ROCK IS ALT-RIGHT NOW", said a generation of FAGGOTS, "...which is unfortunate to hear because it's like bee-in' laaaooooohhhww, hay hay hay, like bee-in' stoooooooned".

1  2019-01-11 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Alt Rock

I cannot understand how anyone could see that as controversial in any way, shape or form.

Because it's 2019


All the Jews...they LIKE bee-in' laaaaaoooohhwww,

hay, hay, hay,

like bee-in' stooooned.

Can someone explain the lyrics to Low being used all the time

It's just a bit this guy came up with. It was hilarious when he first started then it got annoying.

Now it's hilarious again.

On the actual show, or just this sub

Just the sub. Closest this comes to the show is when they played it on WAAF or as a return from break.

It was a fake interview. Or so he claims at least. He went on Instagram and said the whole thing was a farce, which I'm willing to believe given his history in the media and the source's reputation for getting things right.

I'm confused. What is this?
