She'll do whatever u want. Got any crack bro?

1  2019-01-11 by MrSztywny


You can do anything you want with her. You can cum on her, fuck her in the mouth, fuck her in the ass, cum on her face, man. She get your cock so hard she'll make it explode. But no rough stuff, all right?

This reminds me of the pimp from Kiss of the Dragon:

You know, I don't care if you fuck her, bleed on her, you're still using her time, and her time is my money.

It's a quote from Harvey Keitel's character 'Sport' from Taxi Driver, also a pimp.

Oh so Kiss of the Dragon was making homage? I didn't know that

'Homage' is an important word in the movie industry. Increasingly so it seems.

First thing to do when I finish payments on my time machine is dropping these two into an inquisition torture rally.

I don’t know man Torquemada might see that and lose heart and then all you’ve done is set Spain back a century.

Okay, changing dial to Mohammed's bathroom.

At least luring Pete into the time machine won’t be hard.

Wanna do some blow with me in my odd shaped isolation chamber?

But I've already furnished it as a WTC elevator (only 1 button: 'Pops').

"Swag is forever".

I strongly disagree.

Not if you get a tattoo of it.

I don’t understand how she looks so different from when she was on those kid shows before she became a singer? Is it a fake bronzing of the skin? Plastic surgery? What is it?

I dont know what she looked like before but she has about 6 inches of makeup caked on her face in this photo.

Why are you surprised someone looks different from when they were a preteen?

True true

Shame. Looks like she was gonna grow up fairly pretty... then (((they))) got to her

Calm down Cumia

Cumia hates black people. He adores Jews and would never say anything bad about them

I was just making sure young girl joke

Plastic surgery mixed with extreme dieting, personal trainers and presumably a hefty drug habit. It really is bizarre the transformation she went through. Like she completely changed as a person for fame. Also like Bruce Jenner's kids. Its fucking creepy how different they looked when they were young compared to now with all the coke and plastic surgery.

She left Mac because he was a junkie so I don't think she's on drugs. Also Dan Schneider is probably at least partially the cause of her looking and acting how she does.

She left Mac so she could serve him to Lucifer in a (((ritualistic blood sacrifice))).

This bitch is a Hollywood devil of the highest order.

She turned towards Kabbalah as a teen because she didn't like the Catholic Church's policy towards homos and her brother is a turd burglar.

Interesting how all those stars get famous after getting into that cult.

based and redpilled

She was murdered and replaced with a mind controlled clone like all former Disney kids

That was the ultimate warrior imo


Getting raped

No tits. Hairy butthole.

Just the way Nana likes 'em.

I think she prefers a hairless butthole, don’t you?

The joke was more about him fucking transvestites than his pedophilia.

It’s always good when you have to explain your joke.

Got with some hot chick a few years ago, same body type. No tits, still hot....full on butthole hair. Hung with her a couple times, but couldn't get past it.

An inspiration to all special needs kids.

Which one?

Boy what a catch he is, hubba hubba! How could she let one of the twins from The Matrix Reloaded go?

Someone here nailed it when they said he looks like one of those cymbol-banging chimp toys

“100 an hour, or 50 in crack”

Why is he incapable of closing his mouth?

Breathing through your nose is easier said than done.

He looks like Randall’s accomplice in monsters inc after the torture device almost kills him

she look like Abe's Odyssey

Ugly ass Steve-o lookin motherfucker

I can’t wrap my head around people who aren’t attracted to this woman. All I can think about is how adorable her pussy must be.

Dude, Dan the Hymen Divider Schnieder fucking destroyed that snatch.

She's tiny not in a cute petite way but in a sickly malproportioned way. She always has such disgustingly fake skin with all the hood rat makeup and the racially ambiguous spraytan. Her heavily surgery'd head looks like a turnip with her hair always tied up like that.

She was growing up pretty and then her people turned her into some monster to make her more widely marketable on album covers.

I never saw her when she was young, I never heard of her until that "Got One Less Problem" song or whatever she did a couple years ago. I saw the video on at the gym and I was like "what is this little 3rd world fuck machine?" That's all I know her from. I think she's a goddamn doll.

Gift her an iPad

She looks like a Thai ladyboy dressed up for Halloween.

Is that supposed to dissuade me? You’re making it even more delicious.

this is the current generations sex symbols and "it" couple.

fucking kill yourself, generation Z

Honest question from a yuropeen, does he count as white in America?

He doesn't to me but in NYC he's considered white. He's just Jewish AFAIK.

nice scalp zipper stupid

She appears to have had the male role in this relationship and he the female role.

Always looks like he has to shit

She looks like when people pour coffee over paper to try and make it look old.

jfc does her entire race need to make their eyebrows and eyelashes look weird as fuck?

His body odor emanates from this picture.

It's like Pete is constantly smelling his material.

They look like two aliens from separate planets

She left Mac because he was a junkie so I don't think she's on drugs. Also Dan Schneider is probably at least partially the cause of her looking and acting how she does.