"Aye Nye, Oi was raped I was"

1  2019-01-11 by oandapartyrock



Nobody raped you, dyke.

Grape lookin slut


-Australian saying "No"

it's more like "NORRRRRRR" for some reason


I'm gonna grape you in the mouth

I’m gonna tie you to the radiator and grape you and grape you and grape you.


I kept saying the grimace line, kudos for doing the lowest-bidder legwork

Don’t make this about you.

or we'll grape you

I still don't know for sure if she's just a looney bitch or one of the biggest industry trolls ever.

Oi was raped! WHY WAS THAT OKAY!?

Because you're homely and you don't matter. That's why.

This guy gets it

Hey, #metoo! Maybe it was the same blind, 900lb guy?

Did she go into detail about the rape at all? It's an odd question but I need to be sure it wasn't just one of those "a drunk guy fucked me and I felt coerced afterward" rapes, or if someone physically and classically raped her because I refuse to believe the latter.

From what I hear, about half of her Netflix special is about her rape. The other half is about the color blue.

bluare. thas a fanneh calah, innit? yew can bay bluare. aw, yew can leesten to the bluares. which abbos fackin love

Looks like shoulderless joe derosa



The title of this post - paired with the photoshop - gave me a very good chuckle today. Thank you, OP.

Would ya lake uh full expense pied vuhcayshin?

Don’t make this about you.