Anthony will die soon

1  2019-01-11 by Nothing_of_merit

But the real hilarity will be watching Joe and Keith fight over who gets to take his seat. They're both desperate for attention. Joe has convinced himself he can host a show and will be desperate to try keep a few viewers to maintain his now dried up allowance . Keith on the other hand is clearly milking his dumb wop 'friend' and probably already has power of attorney over his business and probably thinks he's been in broadcasting long enough to do a 'Keith the cop' show. Just don't be surprised to see one off them showing up on mic claiming the network will keep going and to keep subscribing the day Ant croaks.


Ant came right back yesterday and did the whole show without a hitch, and without Dave (much to my disappointment). It may be awhile before he bites the big one, but when he does I am sure the show will go on as The Dave Landau Show - Dave style for decades to come.

You fat pig stop defending ur unfunny husband

I am sexylarrytate. I was here before anyone even heard of the great Dave Landau. I was the inventor of the term "Tit Nomoro". I am not Dave's wife, so there.

Whatever, hog.

Thanks, mister.

Allah willing

That's a good point... rumor has it that Keith is a partner in "Compound Media", so when Anthony dies, the network can resume broadcasting next week.

Joe will probably be over Anthony's death by Wednesday, and Keith could theoretically slot him in Anthony's spot and the show will go on.

It's been a great partnership while it's lasted. You have Anthony's knowledge of how to create interesting content that people are willing to pay top dollar for, and Keith's years and years of experience running a media business.

Joe will bring his own touch of professionalism and savvy and relateability to the working man, and I'm sure it will continue to yield wonderful things.

It's all speculation but for one thing: Joe will be left out in the cold, wondering what just happened.