Progeria kid meets his hero Joe DeRosa

1  2019-01-11 by C_Mo


Jimmy's AIDS Is coming along nicely.

tsim faggis

The worm wishes he had a penis on his stomach.

This is solid work

Imagine Joe DeRosa being your hero. That's more depressing than having progeria.


What's the difference between Joe DeRosa and Jared from Subway?

Jared fucks less kids.

Genuinely cannot tell whether Joe's face has been fucked with.


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If you can believe it his shoulders have been drastically enlarged

Holy shit, they really have. And surely his fingers around Jim's shoulder have been doctored too? Those aren't normal human fingers.

A frog and a worm

Keep kickin...


Projeria has its battles, dude, but by your 15 birthday that means ur 3 years from buying liquor, fag

he's sober tho

Joe DeBoba

How many Mike Tyson fights has Jimmy watched from start to finish?

O/U 1

Maybe only a couple but he knows he was a "problem".

So what? He has 20 signed pictures with Mike.

worm ass


That's Jimmy!!!

Holy shit you got me .haha dude. Jimmy does look like that though

his hero Joe Derosa

I know what all those words mean but that phrase doesn’t make any sense.

DeRosa still looks worse.


Progeria Jim - sober at 9 years old

Two fucking queers.

Jesus Christ these people are good with Photoshop

Anyone remember Tsimfuckus?

Nice MC Serch hair, stupid!

I thought Rapaport

DeRosa has Brad Garret mouth



"word to my moms, yo"