When he's not making us laugh with psychotic scientific ramblings about people from the show, /u/deep_legal_shit brands cumtown faggots with the Star of David

1  2019-01-11 by GunClubVRMod


Saint on earth

Fuck Cumtown

You were downvoted, which means a cumtown faggot is angry.

Any of you "Cum Boys" care to explain the appeal of the show? Even the show's fans admit 2 of the 3 hosts suck and I've yet to see Nick Mullen be particularly funny on anything.

I think "ghost stories", the Andre's Steak House saga, and Adam's black son are my favorite bits.

He's too good for them.

Good egg.

Mods, please put /u/GunClubVRMod on the list.

I hope it's a list of people who get to beat you up.

Good one.

Hi, Joe, will AntH have an online funeral guestbook when he dies like your coal-burning mom did?

This bit isn't funny. What'd be funny is if you killed yourself.

It's funnier than your pedo lush brother, but then so is crib death.

"HURR go kill yourself," brilliant comeback, you troglodyte.