Fucking Savage

1  2019-01-11 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


I don’t care which side you’re ok, but Acosta is a piece of shit. Fucking “look at me, I’m so edgy” boarding school fag.

Didn't he claim he feared for his life at a Trump rally and then pictures surfaced of him taking photos with people?

How can you not be for secure borders? A barrier is going to cost less than the Amazon wife is getting in the divorce

They want a dumbed down one world government to implement a black mirror style dystopian hell hole. They don't want borders


the John Birch Society was right.

no to politics

The man is gold, Jerry

Butthole eyes.

Mexicans are harmless

No, they're armless after they try to scale our new razor-line border wall

me know its the ones under them that are savages

It must be exhuasting to be you.

Mine the Border,and put it live on TV with Sport book betting Oh look at little Pedro run hes going to make,aw to bad.Up next,little Lupe. 5 to 1.

I would rather gather them up and put them in a The Running Man type situation.

Even Jim agrees walls work

Really big of him to make this video

One day the Mexicans will outnumber the humans

Oh Daniel, you are a salty one!

My favorite line, Daniel carver was one of the most underrated and underused wack packers ever

I love your president
