Antithesis of funny, Mark Normand, makes it to front page of /r/funny

1  2019-01-11 by Cumia_Box


I'm alright with Mark. He at least takes some shots.

Yeah I guess he's not bad. He's one of the better "new" guys. Still he only gets chuckles from me most of the time.

You just called him the ’antithesis of funny’, you fickle-minded idiot

I I'm punching out boys

And names names

Takes some shots? All he does is echo everything Jim says and occasionally reminds people he’s not PC. Wow...

Hes better on other shows, obviously. Jim and Sam is a humour black hole.

Norman is funny. OP is gay and wrong

I get chuckles from him sometimes. However this tweet/Facebook post was abominable.

Normand is a seemingly habitual liar, but still seems like a funny guy.

I'm backpedaling too hard so I'm punching out bbbboys baba booey

Mark is one of the good ones. OP is a charlatan.

Gang up on me boys. I can take it

Normand is funny and he’s gotten way better over the last 5 years.

Mark Normand is great.

Gang up on me boys. I can take it