Comedians Beg Artie to Seek Help For Addiction

1  2019-01-11 by OochyWally


interesting, new season of crashing is coming out next week.

"Spokesman for the rest of the world was quoted as saying, 'Nobody outside of a few comedians gives a shit if the fat guy from Dirty Work lives or dies.' in a statement released Thursday."

Artie is primed for a comeback. All he needs is a new suit and a haircut and he will be back on top again. Then he'll be circling the drain again in a couple weeks.

He’s 50 years old, he doesn’t give a shit. He has no desire to get sober or he would have already. All of this shit is done for attention. The only time Artie is relevant is when he’s fucking up. He was casted on crashing for that exact reason. Apatow is an attention whore, he knows Artie fucks up and every time he does, they mention “Crashing”. Why would any of these people reach out via social media if it wasn’t for attention? If they cared about him, they’d have an intervention or call him.

For all the shit people here give Joey Diaz, he got actually got sober (except for weed and the occasional drink, which kind of makes it more impressive) at Artie's age and hasn't relapsed.

“Super soon.” At least he’s being realistic.

Anyone who's still "pulling for" Retartie and hoping he "gets help" is either a humongous fag, a huge sucker or both. Throwing him into some gay 12-step-type celebrity rehab center would be nothing but a huge waste of time, money and resources best spent on someone worth saving. Retartie is an unkempt slovenly bum who walks around in dirty stained rags and deliberately mutilated his own face with heroin. Based on his last few selfies and appearances he has brain damage too. He belongs in some kind of secure facility for non-functioning adults incapable of taking care of themselves on any kind of normal level like the drooling retard he is now. Maybe they could teach him how to bathe, wash his clothes and comb his hair again, but that's a big "if".

I just want him to die so I don't get ambushed by any more pictures of him.

Artie hates shit like this because he takes it as criticism rather than encouragement. You cannot talk to this guy; he doesn’t want to hear it. Watch him go on a real bender now to shut out the thought of their voices.

Addicts beg Artie to seek help for comedy.