This guy made better life choices than Anthony Cumia in every respect

1  2019-01-10 by JimNortonsSobriety


Had one stable job his whole life until some degenerate fucked it up, apartment in NYC the capital of the world, a beach house in the Hamptons and a trophy wife that has him as a trophy husband. Good job opie

The destroyer is one damn fine trophy to boot!!!

Not to mention two beautiful kids.

That are totally a result of his DNA

With a sensible bust for a man his age and weight.

Only one of them is Bams

You like black cock.

And two luscious tits

When he was s kid he drank powdered malk in the Hampton’s.


Melk/Malk , when you have to carry your lunch in a cement bag it’s fawkin brewtal

Having to eat Pepperidge Farm bread.

Hard knock life, livin in them streets.

That was the summer he got sunburnt at grandmas beach house. I’m sure the brotherman still has ptsd

Did he warsh it down with melk.

Nice aspect, stupid.

Brothaman going back to his roots. Getting some of that sea air, and providing food for his grateful family.

Looking like a young Tom Hanks I’m cast away killed the radio(s) star(s) ..

P.s. can someone.replace the fish with Weazys cock..

You still have time to delete this before more people see it

I edited it..

Radios stars?


Hey Joe is it true that you suck dick?

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. thank you Fred Hughes.

I'd like to think that he didn't catch this fish on rod and reel.

I think he merely stepped into the surf, extended his hands, and the fish leapt to him, knowing instinctively that giving it's life to provide fuel for the brothaman's many conquests would be a noble legacy indeed.

I love this man.

Anthony would have brought the fish back to his hot tub and tried to fuck it.

He only fucks minnows

Lets them swim up his shithole

Mmm. Fresh out of the shoal.

Back in 99 he was gonna “just do something else.” It’s prolly good he waited till now when he made millions

The Brothaman and the Sea.

We are Brothamen

All your base are belong to us

Opie could have a perfect life if he just took his money and walked away from show business. Unfortunately he has a teenage girl’s need for attention, and this he’s miserable.

hate to say it but I have to give credit where credit is due, ant's nautical adventures are much more intense then Opie relaxing at a simple uncomplicated hobby

That's my Uncle Marty. He was an Army Ranger who took brain-damage falling out of a helicopter in the 80's. He lived on a beach in West Florida eating dead fish that washed up on the beach at low tide. He served his country, was a pillar of his community, and always respected Mother Earth. Unlike pair of pedophilic dagos I could mention.

This guy is a pedophile

That’s the other one actually.

Imagine if ant just took a year off to observe nature then just made a audio only podcast.

He'd still be a pedo piece of garbage but it'd have been a nicer start.



The fact that he's an offending pedo makes that plan impossible. Ant cannot stay alone with his own thoughts for more than 5 minutes, if that happens he'll just want to shot himself in the face (something he can't do anymore, since he's barred from owning guns). That's why he needs to fill his head with old movies, alcohol, xanax and opioids.

"you got lost somewhere along the way"



As much as I dislike this guy, he has done a great job of keeping his personal shit offline.

Brothaman would never get shit-faced online, and fake-heterosexuality with his underage girlfriend and cousin in front of a slime-colored screen.

Gotta admit his beach house is pretty dope. It was a sensible purchase, not too flashy. I'm more of a lake man, myself.

No he didn't, this guy's fawking blows


The fucking fish made better life choices than Anthony Cumia and it's dead

Who the fuck poses with a 15-inch striper?

And with this fish Opie fed 5000 jews, according to the Gospels of Gregg.

Opie saw the gates of obscurity and taunted it by fishing in its pond. Then just as the gates thought he was going to enter, Opie turned around with a big catch on his shoulder, big cock throbbing through his pants and went "not today".

Remembet that time we used to make fun of him for walking alone in beach for hours. Neither do I.

I edited it..