He got the girl.

1  2019-01-10 by RBuddCumia


She looks like she's out of a Steinbeck book. Brain fried from ether stroking a rusted double barrel on her porch

Never got into his music but whatever movies he was in were good. Yes I'm a faggot.

you should do what they do in the tom waits movie 'wristcutters' and be dead

The girl on the cover of Small Change has some nice beefers.

I bought that album for the cover in 91, been a fan ever since.

He did. His wife's very cool and still good-looking, like an old fashion model.



I tried to like Waits’ music, but I just can’t.

Try “Heart of Saturday Night”.

He's the original Takeshi 6ty9ine, or whatever. Well-to-do rich kid cosplaying as drunk working class hero.

And I'm someone who listens to his music.

"I was wondering...would you maybe play some Tom Waits? No Tom Waits? I thought this was the cutting edge! Hooo hoo."