Jim got his chin punched into the back of his skull.

2  2019-01-10 by ProfessorChipperson


Nigga look like bird.

Like a chicken fetus to be exact.

he really has a cashew nut for a head

He's a diet, scumbag

Jim always had a soft spot for his mum.

And it looks like she smushed it right into his frontal lobe.

You mean.. this isn't a photoshop after all?

I can't tell.

This is the face of a man who spits on the floor when he's having a tantrum.

This is the face of a queer that has women shit on him.


This is a photoshop right?

If he didnt have money he would definitely kill hookers

I'm sure it's in his future.

kill hookers

Wait, you can do that?

His mother must have sneezed when she shot him out of her cunt

Didn't he literally do a joke about his missing chin? "Even the Elephant Man had a chin! Granted, it was on the back of his head, but still..."

It looks like his ears are abnormally low on his head, but maybe it’s just that the top of his head is so bulbous and malformed. It’s all a bit confusing.

physiques like this only proves there is no God

Or that God has a wicked sense of fun.

Cant tell if his neck is too big or head too small

Nice jawline, stupid

I can literally see the mental illness on that boy.

Look at this head. What a fuckin’ asshole.