Is he saying Ant is dying?

1  2019-01-10 by RBuddCumia


Management at the store had staff following him around because "He is clearly not a reader and has no business in this type of store"

You sure they weren't following him because he's black?

What really threw security is when he stuck those two books he brought in on the shelf.

So he put those there and took a picture. Great work Edward Bernays.

Century of the Self was such a good documentary.

I really hope so.


That dope reads?

Ha fuckin ha alphabet humor.

Seems more likely that Joe knows as much about Custer as the average second grader and assumed there was a joke there.

Joe is worried about being destitute. Also about getting a job.

Borders books went bankrupt and closed its last store in 2011. What a dolt.

In his mind, that infomation is likely why he considers that part of the tweet the "prestige" .

Yeah. This is so true. Poor Slow Joe.

So this is Joe's bookshelf at home basically.

More of a flat surface that he put some books on for the photo. No way this nigga reads enough to have a whole shelf dedicated to it.

Someone who has a twitter please call this retard out.

I am surprised they are not on the bargain bin table at Barnes and Noble.

What is this even supposed to mean!?

Most of his tweets or attempts at jokes make no sense.

He saw his brother's book between 2 books with names he's heard before. That's 3 whole books with words he recognizes. To him, that's magic.

He tweets a like racist, drunk soccer mom.

I'm roflmao, Joe. You fuckin imbecile.

posts all those @ mentions because he knows none of them read his tweets.

why didn't he @-mention his brother?

Oh, you see, Anthony got banned from twitter (six times, I believe) because he could not prevent himself from preying upon little girls and calling black people niggers.

What's this supposed to prove? That he's sticking Ant's book in random spots in the store next to actually important people to get more people looking at it, or that the store is only selling 2 copies of Ant's book?

Joe hasn't read a book since the 70's

The fact that Anthony didn't tell Joe to shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing him two decades ago really emphasizes the fact that Anthony can't confront anyone for any reason.

Why the fuck is he tagging Artie? Dummy is 5 months behind his CP Media history

I can't imagine what it's like to be Joe now, knowing that your "investment" is coming to an end. It's gotta be like feeling loo-oohhhwwww....

Hay, hay, hay,

It's like bee-in' STOOOONED....

Swoogie, swoogie,swoogie button alert.Nigger in a bookstore.

Yeah calling bullshit that this is a book store if he names the store as something that hasn't existed in close to a decade now, and they're gonna have 2 copies of a book that's sold worse than literally every book around it which all only have one copy. Obviously one is his "gifted autographed" copy and the other is the "gifted autographed" copy for his transsexual witch of a sexual partner and on a book shelf with other books given to him over the years because that's what you get for someone too stupid who won't get a job. You get them biographies of people who actually did something with their life in hopes it will motivate them. That's also why you dont see more than one shelf in the image. Because its not a book store display its his personal shelf that has all Sons of Anarchy knick knacks on the top row.

What I cant figure out is if this last stand shit is because this book had to sell huge to save the failing network and Joe doesn't realize its not going well so made a bad taste and timing joke or what

Custer died because he was a racist. Joe only thinks of the heroic last stand that actually never happened.

Custer died because he was a racist.

No he didn't. What a ridiculous misrepresentation of history.