Who would watch shitfest lineup?

1  2019-01-10 by Pudshark


Big jay is funny he just dresses dumb and dates a fat ugly chick

Fat ugly chick with a horrendous laugh.

This is awful writing and should not be considered informative.

So, there is apparently this comedian, who is relatively famous, named Carlos Mencia. He used to be touring with another comedian, Brad Williams, who happens to be a midget. Now, Brad Williams was on another podcast and was asked to tell the craziest story from the time he was touring with Mencia. He told this story - on one tour stop there was this fan girl who wanted to have sex with Mencia, so much she actually gave the bus driver a blow job to get into the tour bus. Mencia did not want to have sex with her (hewas married at the time), so he played a little "prank" on her. They turned off the lights in one of the rooms and told her that Mencia is there - but instead it was the midget, Brad Williams. They started fucking and only after several minutes she realised something was wrong, turned the lights on, saw it was Williams and ran away horrified. And they all laughed and laughed.

Very dark corners

Mencia just went up a few notches in my book. That is fucking hilarious

Imagine how dumb you'd have to be not to realize youre fucking a midget instead of a grown man.

The "after several minutes" part seems a little far-fetched...

I watched Brad Williams and Big Jay; and they weren't bad.

That writing is atrocious. That website needs an editor or better emoloyee screening.

Big Jay talking about his daughters pussy is cringe. You can tell the crowd is politely and uncomfortably laughing.

I’m sure the chics are really funny and like one of the guys.

Big Jay makes me laugh. The rest of them fucking stink. Especially Segura's wife. Talk about riding coattails.