Such a tough guy.

1  2019-01-10 by RBuddCumia


I canโ€™t stand his RANDOM use of CAPITALIZED letters. Plus, NOBODY gives a shit Joe!

And he wrote "BWA ha ha haha," not just the standard "ha ha ha." Because the idea of this is so outrageous, the laughter would erupt with an almost explosion from your lips.

What if the felony criminal case was domestic violence

Heโ€™s ready to throw the book at SCUMBAGS, unless theyโ€™re his relative.

Ok but what if a high profile politician is accused of rape

Democrat or Republican?


The libtards framed him



what an annoying faggot

Thrifty Joe putting the leftover Sharpies to good use.

Congrats, Joe - you just let a paedophile (who isn't your brother) go free.

Why? I donโ€™t even get it. What well known fact about Joe makes it obvious that he canโ€™t be on that kind of a jury? Am I supposed to be like โ€œaww shucks, of course, thatโ€™s our Joe!!!โ€ like heโ€™s a sitcom character we all know and love?

This tweet would be interesting juxtaposed with his tweet about blatantly violating traffic laws.

He would get bounced from a jury by the defense during pretrial for being a bootlicker. I fucking hate this attitude, jury duty is a legitimate pillar of our freedom as Americans and I would rather a guilty man walk free than an innocent man go to jail which is a proverbial frying pan.

Boot licking faggot

He should hope he gets selected for jury duty. Heโ€™ll make $40 a day. Itโ€™ll double his allowance.

Justice Joe! He really is a vigilante hero. Based off the people's court appearance Joe fancies himself a bit of a legal eagle. Can you imagine serving on a jury with him? You had to take a day off from work, get stuck on an open and shut DWI case, but Joe realized they feed you lunch and pay $40 A day so he wants to stretch it out into a 12 Angry Men scenario.

This cocaine dealing, drug using, alcoholic, grifting low life wop is a right leaning, law and order, "tough on crime" moralist?

How does this dumb fuck walk around with these contradictions swirling around in his head?

Because nothing swims around in Joe's head

Except for millions and millions of sperm from various multi-ethnic poz loads.


This must be fake. Joe usually gets subpoenas.

Ant gets sueโ€™s penis.

Don't most people just throw these out without posting about it on social media?

Goddamn it, the shit men do when unemployed to fill the time is astounding

The Plaintiff is a Huuuuumoooongous Raaaaaacist

No hashtags?! What the fuck?

Prosecutors love him because tough guy hypocritical law-and-order types tend to be easily swayed and excited to just convict. It helps their conviction rates for when they run for office.

What a patriot, so eager to subvert the will of the men who made the country.

This guy is so easily hateable

He'd enjoy it to put people in prison, he likes that idea. What a twisted and sickening human being.

The Joe love bit won't ever be possible. Btw, shouldn't it be hanging juror? He's stupid and evil. The worst type of person.

Btw, shouldn't it be hanging juror?

No, it should be 'high school janitor'.

Finally. He is getting a paid day job.

Hoping to see this on /all later today from another sub.

Congratulations, you got a form letter just like everybody else that ever voted. They didn't seek you out. Nor were they asking you to be a judge, Joe.

Actually, I'd be reluctant to ask your opinion about appetizers at Chili's.

So so so so because Iโ€™m a racist pedophile you donโ€™t want my opinion on half off mozzarella sticks?

Why is he so content and being such a fuckin tight ass? He's ready to throw the book on any person who breaks the law, but this is the same son of a bitch who drives on the side of the road to avoid traffic? He's such a piece of shit

Mr. Law And Order, except for traffic laws, child support and cocaine dealing, of course.

Too lazy to even do his civil duty. What a fucking slob.

I would love to see Joe and Charlie Zelenoff box. Just to see who would run out of the ring faster. I think it might actually be Joe who would.

Charlie Z would destroy him.

I can't argue that.

Is he just admitting that he is racist and wants to put blacks and Hispanics in jail? I imagine he would be very sympathetic to a guy named Scungilli that fucked an underage girl.

Btw, shouldn't it be hanging juror?

No, it should be 'high school janitor'.