christian faggot.

1  2019-01-10 by boringoneliner


This homo supports abortion, sodomy, the trans agenda etc. and is a member of the kosher media complex. Calling him a Christian is like calling Cumia an upstanding family man.

He's actually Cathlolic, which forget abortion, even condoms and birth control are no-no's. Which I for one agree with the condom rule, and have definitely used that as an excuse before. Most recently with a Jew broad who was cheating on her boyfriend.

There's plenty of "cultural Catholics" who don't believe or practice the central teachings of the Church. They just cling to the label so they can feel good about themselves and lecture people on "what Jesus would do," which just happens to be whatever trendy leftist position is being pushed at the moment. Stained glass liberalism.

I don't give a fuck about Jesus or politics. I just don't like fucking with a bag on my dick, and women are stupid.

It will be even better when you tell her you don’t believe in abortion before peacing out.

Mel Gibson is a true Christian.

This cocksucking faggot ain't no Christian.

No true Christian is a whore to the Jews.


Even Jesus wishes he directed Apocalypto.

I still can’t get over the opening quote from Durant about collapsing from within paired with the Spanish arriving at the end. “Hey Aztecs you deserved that shit.”


This dude is a straight up satan worshipper. No way he could get to that level without doing so. They all are

I have a picture of Mel over my son’s crib for inspiration

These child molesting faggots in the limelight telling me what to think are making want to be a Christian

Do it, that way if there's another Crusade you can kill him!

Zionist, not Christian.

I can't believe he got that gig still. Zero charisma, and incredibly one note character he has driven into the ground. He is like a successful Jim Norton.

Lol, yeah it's like Chip Chipperson got a TV deal.

Yes, but he ditched the character.

Now what?

Without the hats

Smug cunt is his first choice of religion.

To quote Bill Hicks, they ALL are sucking Satan’s cock once they make it to that level in the entertainment business. And I’m starting to think this is more literal than figurative.

He's buddies with Podesta. He's definitely fucked kids.

He still says that under his new name on infowars

So woke tho

Don't know what happened between the ending of his show on Comedy Central and the start of the new one on CBS, but gawd damn his soul got erased and refurbished.

Dis nigga pals around with Skippy Podesta, that's about as Christian as spinning a driedel.

Remember this man threw a sketchy ass temper tantrum because people were looking into pizzagate.

Unsurprisingly I might add.

He's buddies with Podesta. He's definitely fucked kids.

Everything about his persona suggests pedo

Desperate dead dad faggot.


nice matching tie and pocket square, stupid