There is a potential AIDS related pneumonia death coming up if anyone is interested

1  2019-01-10 by boringoneliner


Why is he saying it so sheepishly, it seems like everybody would be interested in that

A real life aids cloud couldn’t be as interesting as a fucking kill screen whatever the fuck that is

deep lore- that killscreen was manipulated using MAME and cost Billy Mitchell his high score on the game, later to be dominated by Hank Chen.

that is a steve wiebe killscreen that is coming up. bro thats like basic king of kong knowledge delete your account

damn! u rite! but wasnt mitchell playing his vid st the same time? am i entirely wrong? wiebe is a woman.

one of my favourites moments is billy walking by steve as he's playing dk and billy pretends he's not too interested and adjusts his tie (brent style), while looking over

i know a lot of it was put on but what a great "documentary", beige take notes