Dirty heeb sides with clumsy woman over Tarantino film casting

1  2019-01-10 by crookedmile


Older article, but I'm sure once this starts production some queers will start plastering it everywhere

Reading about what Hirsch did to Bernfeld while being inundated with ads for the latest Rogan/Goldberg production.

Enough already.

This is the Hollywood I know

When are we gonna address the disproportionate representation of Jews in the media and Hollywood? It’s. Not. Okay. It’s not diverse and inclusive. 2% of the population shouldn’t have over 50% of the jobs. The Jew privilege is too often ignored. That has to stop.

I'm 100% with you; as a Jewish man myself I'm appaled that so many are shut out of the entertainment industry. How many great directors are we completely overlooking? How many screenwriters, singers, producers, studio execs, are there among the gentiles who will never get their chance because someone hiring at a studio went the nepotistic route and hired yet another Jewish person? There is so much untapped creative potential among the "goyim," it's up to us Jews to offer a helping hand and foster it.

Her name was Dani too.

I swear I thought this article started out with “Once upon a time...” This isn’t a news article, it’s storytelling.