Won't be seeing him no more

1  2019-01-10 by RelevantField


He's only half right, it was the Jewish who celebrated.

And had their cameras out before the first plane hit.

So fucking what? Oh a bunch of Saudis fly a fucking plane into a building in the name of Allah and people think that maybe some other Muslims might cheer that? Why is that such a crazy thing to believe? (BTW it was men of middle eastern appearance. They were just from another country in the middle east.)

I think it’s more the fact that they claim it was shown on tv.

I remember seeing plenty of muzzies celebrating on 9/11 but it was in the gaza strip and shit, not jersey.

Faggots think it's crazy to believe because it's true. They have a problem with the truth.

Fags going after a 4 year old tweet that was originally shared by 2 people and commented on by 3.

Fuck that. I’ve loved this man ever since I read the yelp reviews on his Jersey restaurant. Literally every reviewer says he sits in a chair yelling at employees and customers for eight hours a day. True American hero if you ask me.

And had their cameras out before the first plane hit.