Remember to use the proper term "sex workers" when referring to stupid cocksucking whores

1  2019-01-10 by Single_Action_Army

The act of lying on your back and being a fuck doll and exchanging dignity for money is a chivalrous and empowering profession that you basement-dwelling misogynists need to respect. Don't make Jim Norton have to school you.


Anything worse than a whore with dignity? Total boner kill

Fat girls witb dignity.

Fair enough

Ya they r oxymorons

Fat girls who are really happy about their new haircut.

Fat girls

The opportunity came up one day with established whore but forgot i had taken 12 hour sudafed and its boner killer, that is what they give you in hospital if viagra gives you five hour hard on, she sucked on it for half hour and got nowhere looked like the robin trying to pull the worm out of the ground,i gave up, as i was walking out door she looked about in tears asking was it ok? did i go it right? did i do anything wrong? i just kept walking

The humanity,,,

Similarly, porn actresses are prostitutes on video tape.


Hilarious reference to the worm’s real comedic styling. Take my upvote, please!

And burlesque just means fat strippers

You know you are in for some burlesque if the top comes down to show the tits but does not come off.

Instead it hides the real estate from under the tits to the top of some large undies.

Strippers are a step below them, which is just s step below a bartender/waiter. I used to wait tables and I can’t even describe how much I hated everyone that wanted extra ranch dressing. I did smile, like a good whore, when I brought it to them while hoping for my 20%.

20%? Get fucked.

extra ranch dressing

Classy place

They really should address Mary Jean as prostitute just to see how she reacts.

I just looked up Briana Banks. I could ten girls better looking than her for $3500 an hour.

Yeah yeah dude. For me it was more a matter of her being the first porn star I regularly beat off to in the early 2000s. Of course there are high dollar hookers younger and better looking than her. I didn’t ask her for her prices, she told them to me. I had no intention of paying for it.

And no crude sexual talk to them, that's more degrading that taking a load in the mouth and swallowing it from a stranger

Haha what a coincidence, I was just making fun of "sex workers" in one of their subreddits.

They're so self entitled, like they have a really important job and what they do is more than "just sex".

Does anyone ever remember or care about what they jerked off to yesterday? It's the same with whores.

Quit jerking off everyday and these vapid whores will dissappear

Fuck outta here proud boy



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Not masturbating is a mental illness


I like the sentiment but jerking off doesn't entail helping these cum dumpsters in any way.

Of course it does. Our entire culture is over the top sexualized and masturbatory. If we return to a more traditional value system where sexuality belongs in private bedrooms and is noone elses business to discuss then you'll find the marketplace responds to that in time. People selling you shit is a darwinist system, they dont care other than to sell things and make money. If their tactics arent working theyll change them. In short, if pornhub saw no traffic for 6 months it would dissappear. Same with cam girls. Same with most things.

Nice sentiment, and I'd love to live in a more traditional world, but the internet was always made for porn.

The dumbest of males look at porn too, I've noticed. Have you read the comments on porn sites? They type like fucking retards. Unless they're typing with one hand....

Point is, there's no way you'd get men to stop jerking off to porn. They're too primal and idiotic.

Religion teaches man not to.

And im not saying we have to be perfect, just better.

Because religious people never engage in sexual impropriety, right? Priests and Imams and Rabbis never fuck boys.

All change lays within ourselves mate. You can be better than those people.

I don’t care, fag.

And therefore the world becomes terrible

So fucking what?

You feel powerless, but you're not

I really don’t. Stop prostelytizing to me.

i apologise. I just want you to live the kind of life you deserve

I deserve to get blown before the jacuzzi, same as every man. Youre not there yet.

I think you are right.

I once asked my priest if repressing his biological urges has caused him to act out in deviant or harmful ways...

After he pulled out and blew his load on my back, he replied, "nah"

Im sorry that happened to you.

Ya you're never having sex with a whore you're using their body to jerk off

I believe the politically correct term is "cock-sockets".

I’m all for the right for people to be Sex workers. There is an element of danger to it too, it’s not an easy job. And you risk a lot doing it. That I understand.

I don’t have to respect ANY of them, though. And it should be pointed out, consistently, that you don’t get to keep your dignity doing that kind of work either.

Nice seeing both sides, stupid

It is a tough one, you know.

You better make something with that music degree or I'm afraid I'll be seeing you doing something similarl. I'm just busting your chops babe!

I’m not sophisticated enough to see the dignity in someone spreading their legs for money and being “known” for doing the most basic of things in the world. I’m just a dumb hick I guess.

None of these porn "stars" is even exceptionally attractive

Janine lindemulder and Brianna banks were

Someone interviewed the woman who produced the Evil Genius Netflix documentary, and every time she said “prostitute” or hooker, she would immediately correct herself and say “sex worker.”

Cant even call a whore a whore anymore, it’s unbelievable.

This isn’t the world my grandfather killed Nazis for.

Yes it is.


It genuinely is.

Sounds like your grandfather was involved in a friendly fire incident.

You clearly must not be "educated" enough on the topic, goy

I hate those PC euphemisms. They don't (yet) exist in the local languages here afaik; I wouldn't be able to use them without losing self-respect.

New TV show idea: Jim Norton's Sex Worker Rescue. It'd be like Bar Rescue or that Gordon Ramsay one, only with brothels, massage joints and street corners. He'd pose as a regular client, then reveal himself. Then after offering a hilarious critique of their shortcomings he'd renovate the entire operation, much to everyone's delight.

"And the sloping floor, new drain and no-slip mats ensure that your sex worker's feet will remain dry and comfortable while working the golden shower room. Her pleasure means happier clients and more repeat business, Xi!"

"Oh Yimmy yes thank you AAA Massage number one triple A!"

He'd pose as a regular client, then reveal himself.

To a resounding chorus of "Who?"

Remember how stern would have whores on just to berate them about what filthy skanks they are. And when AVN was going to give him an award, instead of racing there like Jim would have to score countless celebrity whore signatures, he sent retarded niglet Beetlejuice to make a mockery of the event.

That stupid hack worm would rush there. Good point.

Not rush. Inch, squirm, slither, etc

I heard a guy tonight use the phrase "intimacy worker" to refer to a prostitute.

I use sex workers. Stupid cocksucking whores is too broad a term. It could many any of them

I think norton must be a mod on r/sex cause I got banned for saying getting pegged is gay