Unfunny Beefers

1  2019-01-09 by simbad_reb


If she really thinks she's funny, she'd prove it by fucking all of us.

She should just show us her dumb tits already and then commit suicide.

Pussy dude, aim high

Gentlemen, please. Why not both?

Id like her to retain a little feminine mystique

She’s not worth it. She can just go ahead and toss them out so we can get it over with.

I wouldn't mind seeing her butthole, guys

Amanda Todd style

She followed me on instagram a while back. I think I’m in.

Wow she's actually really pretty. I think a relationship with her would drive you crazy though, too many jokes all the time (as evidenced by her twitter)

Shiiiiet getting downvoted, I called a blonde chick with big tits pretty, sorry for triggering you boyz

Are you lost?

he got lost

Wait is this the same sub that made this? https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/af2o52/this_years_avn_host_is_getting_in_on_the_dave/

You fucking double standard faggot, stop acting like a principled faggot, you pick and choose like the rest of us jerk off.

Esther Ku looks like every other asian woman, but because she lurks here/posts sub injokes, people like her. It's what's on the inside that counts. _"


He must've found this sub with his garage door opener!

Wait is this the same sub that made this? https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/af2o52/this_years_avn_host_is_getting_in_on_the_dave/

You fucking double standard faggot, stop acting like a principled faggot, you pick and choose like the rest of us jerk off.

What's that? Your phone crapped out.

It took you two days to come up with this?

Chin up stupid.

Reacting to downvotes like a fucking FAAAG

Wait is this the same sub that made this? https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/af2o52/this_years_avn_host_is_getting_in_on_the_dave/

You fucking double standard faggot, stop acting like a principled faggot, you pick and choose like the rest of us jerk off.


Your example is other people and not myself? Great point, faggot.

All new people here are required by law to show nude selfies

Nice parenthesis, stupid

I liked the joke in the end. But we don't appreciate kindness to women in this sub, so now you know for next time

Oh boy you're pathetic. Really. Truly pathetic.

Did you know joe cumia swallows the spit of children?

Wait is this the same sub that made this? https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/af2o52/this_years_avn_host_is_getting_in_on_the_dave/

You fucking double standard faggot, stop acting like a principled faggot, you pick and choose like the rest of us jerk off.

I don't know how the rest of you jerk off friend, nor what the fuck you're talking about. I do know one thing though, racists CAN enter contracts.

I called you sir, a jerk-off. Its a noun and an insult.

I pointed out how you guys responded positively to kindness to women to not only esther, but also kelsey cook in two posts, both are in fact women.

If you had any sort of brain power from school I wouldn't have to explain the parallels to you like a fucking 10 year old.

Great poignant point, stupid. You really think we give a fuck about “kindness to women” or whatever you’re babbling about. Keep trying to figure the sub out idiot.

Are you lost, friend? Are you posting this from your garage door opener?

Wait is this the same sub that made this? https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/af2o52/this_years_avn_host_is_getting_in_on_the_dave/

You fucking double standard faggot, stop acting like a principled faggot, you pick and choose like the rest of us jerk off.

Hi, je398338!

I wanted to stop by and offer you a robot hug, and wish you the most excellent day ever!


What a kind bot!


She'd be funnier if she showed her butthole

liked by jim norton.

Any excuse to show off their clams. God women are boring

I'm sure you'd rather see a fat cock instead

Id rather live in a wholesome Christian society thankyou very much.

this is now a righteousposting thread

Christ be praised.

Thanks be to Mel

pagans = eternally shidded

Heathen rekt, He is Eternal.

I'd enjoy that

I think Kelsey is hot as hell and also seems like a genuinely nice person. She should be your friend's hot mom that everyone likes going over to his house and seeing.

Instead she is nearing 35 and posting bathing suit pics on instagram because she is white and it is 2019


You would tell us if you weren’t, right?

i would like to bruise the inside and outside of her throat

The old winter body summer body routine good one.

This type of humor is 100000 times better than Hannah Gadsby's or Tig Notaro's brand of ''jokes''

"Aye nay ah wuz roiped! Please clahp"

She's shaped very oddly.

Not true. But people should tell her that.

It's like her head is too big for her body and her arms are too small for her body.

Her head is shaped like a pear

Her head is fucking huge, agreed. It doesn't make me want to blow a load on her hilarious tits any less.

Her head isn't big.. It's long. It's longer than her torso.

She’s got a giant head

Full of jokes

If she made those calls with her garage door opener she wouldn't be so fat.

Wow she's outrageous! If you completely fail at finding humour in anything you'll at least get likes for stripping down. Vapid person should really focus on another career path, this is an insight to the likely hood of her future career

See also: Kate Quigley

Haha she's like another clone that's void of talent. Thanks for another example of why stand up will die out

Women are just worthless fucking creatures.

This is disheartening. Wouldn't mind to see Jim Norton dragged behind a car.

Look at her holding her breath and tightening her stomach for the shot. Because she needed an excuse to show off her body yet still be 'funny' on Twitter.

Kelsey is funny again

I feel sorry for all her boyfriends who have to fake laugh double the amount they would for a normal broad's jokes, just because she's a "comedian".



She's so hilarious man

I hate this retarded cunt.

Why was this photo taken?

It's hilarious

Useless retard attention whore.

Am I the only one who thinks she an actual whore and comedy is just a side gig?

As in, why would you post all these half nude pics on Instagram unless you were actually selling your body? She's in Los Angeles, someone of her caliber could easily be charging $1000-$2000 per hour.

Basically she seems to be a comedienne who's figured out there's more money to make by being a whore. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was Jim Norton's idea. He seems like the kinda dude who would encourage his girl friends to whore themselves out. Plus, Jim Norton has obviously paid for plenty of whores AND brought them on the radio.

Is it really $1,000 an hour for a hooker? Fuck.

As in, why would you post all these half nude pics on Instagram unless you were actually selling your body?

Then mostly every woman is a prostitute.

Wait a minute....

You're very cerebral

ThisLady has bigger tits and is just as funny.

Women are the fucking worst.

This girl is amazing

Thank God women are liberated so they can do stuff like this instead of pesky things like giving life to the next generation and making the home a nice place to live.

These whore pics are always accompanied by some caption about "lol summer body, been working out" etc. They don't have to admit they posted the photo for attention, just stop fucking lying you cunts.

That wrist would snap like a pretzel rod if you just held it on a table and punched it.

Reenact the kitchen scene from Kill List

Dear Beefers - sorry about my stupid abs.

NOT fishing for compliments. NOT!

Cut out the middle man and do porn

Who is this low end hooker?

Vince vaughn

This is the show of true comedy talent. I can't even count the number of pictures Dave Attell has posted of himself in a speedo.

Stanhope did it that one time.

Yea because that body looks so awful. This stupid cunt.

I mean that’s literally what the bit is.

Are you gay

It's literally impossible for women to not think emotionally and not be an attention whore. Which would be fine if we all just accept that as their nature, but the fact that she has to mask this as a joke and that a bunch of arabs and beta faggots will enable her is what is disgusting

A year ago or so, I saw her at the Helium Club in Buffalo. I can guarantee that every straight guy there was fantasizing about pounding her orifices and feeling a wee bit shamed that she thought we found her funny and captivating instead--the clueless cunt.

Damn, I wanna fuck this chick.

I wish she’d take a trip to Morocco right now


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Extremely mediocre and borderline saggy all over.

Ew, she just looks weird in this picture.

I would lick her asshole until she was funny.

Why cant these female comedians use their breasts as part of their act. Her top should be off

  • go get em Kelsey!!

LOL she is so damn funny.

  • <3 my gal!

Women really dissatisfied with their body don't post pictures of it on Instagram.

You humble-bragging cunt.

There's nothing more satisfying than watching a pretty woman hit the wall in there late 20s early 30s. My favorite part is when the delusions start to set in. "I can still have a baby at 40"/ "30s the new 20".

it's so damaging to them because they realize that not only are they starting to look old but they realize perhaps for the first time in their life that their only commodity was there looks to begin with.

Her head is very tall

And this is why normal women also fucking hate female "comedians".

I really don't like female comedians.

What is it with this cunt and that Schleisengerkikes obsession with showing off there barrow womb bodies? Are you that insecure in your inability to make people laugh as so called comedians you have to resort to soft core porn images for attention.


Women truly are insecure whores.

Kind of a fat puss though, I like it.

this is now a righteousposting thread

It's hilarious

What a kind bot!