REMINDER: Anthony Cumia has no respect for his older brother. Meanwhile, Joe defends Anthony at every turn.

1  2019-01-09 by gunstore


Except for that time Joe shat on Anthony anonymously on a reddit alt account.

Must be nice to have $$$

Joe sounds like a disgruntled blue collar worker, minus the work.

Everything he does is playing pretend. Pretend working gripes, pretend band, pretend fame, pretend enemies, pretend places to go, pretend conservative, pretend white.

Just noticed that even the swastika on his shirt in the video is pretend.

Pretend straight, pretend mansion owner

They both feel sheer contempt for each other deep down. Ant will never admit it because confrontation terrifies him and Joe won't until the well dries up and he stops getting those sweet not-welfare checks.

Joe probably joined his dad in mocking Anthony's maleness (or lack of it) as a kid and Anthony has blanked it out.

I think he remembers it clearly. He’s just such a non-confrontational Nana he’ll never address it. He’ll just mute those thoughts via Bud Lights and benzos.

He "blanked it out" in the same way Jim "forgot" getting raped by his friend's dad in the basement, Butterfly Effect style.

Ant holds the same rage from cutting a check to Joe like he did with his ex-wife.

Happy Cake Day Peckas1! Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.

You would defend ur meal ticket also

Ant laughing at Joe is the most human thing he’s done in many years.

Vurry good

That's because Joe is a stand up guy, the only reason he is hated is because he tries to stand up for his brother.

That caller rules.

Happy Cake Day Peckas1! Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.